Discretionary Fund

The Discretionary fund is intended to help eligible students who are in financial difficulty to attend their programme of study. If you are eligible you can apply more than once and at any time.

Awards can be made to assist you with general living costs, accommodation, essential course costs and in some circumstances, childcare costs. Discretionary Funds cannot be used to pay tuition fees.


Who is eligible?

You are eligible to apply to Edinburgh Napier University’s Discretionary Fund if:

  • You are a UK student, or are from another country and satisfy the SAAS residence conditions to be treated in the same way as a UK student for student funding purposes, and
  • You are a UK full-time undergraduate or postgraduate student or a part-time student attending the University as part of a degree programme, and
  • You have explored all other funding options open to you

You are not eligible to apply if:

  • You are a Scottish nursing student in receipt of a non means-tested NHS bursary
  • You are a nursing student from the rest of the UK and are eligible to receive a student loan from the awarding body relevant to your UK country of ordinary residence, Nursing students should refer to the Nursing and Midwifery Discretionary Fund
  • You are a student from an EU country only eligible for Tuition Fee assistance from SAAS
  • You are an international student;
  • You have not taken out or applied for the maximum student loan to which you are entitled.

If you are unsure whether you are eligible to apply there is advice available at the reception at each campus.

Applications Open

The fund is open for applications.

How to Apply

To apply for the Discretionary Fund please log in to eStudent Records.


Supporting paperwork/documents

Please ensure that you provide all requested supporting documents; including a personal statement that gives details of your financial situation and reason for application. Your application will not be considered without the appropriate supporting evidence. Details are available at an early stage of the online application process of what supporting evidence is essential to your application. Read our top tips for completing a successful funding application and Funding Application Support Document.

Assessing your application

The Student Funding Team will respond to your application within 21 days. Very often we will deal with it much sooner than this. We always process your application as quickly as we can. If we require further information we will contact you using your Edinburgh Napier student email account so you must check this regularly after applying. Failure to do this may result in a delay to your application being considered or your application being cancelled.



You will be advised of any award made via your student email account and you will be asked to provide details of your bank account for the payment to be made to you.

Help with your application

If you have a disability, health condition or learning difficulty which leads to difficulty in making your application via the online process please email the Student Funding Team at studentfunding@napier.ac.uk giving details of the reasons for your difficulty and we will advise and help you to make the application.