Edinburgh Napier Students' Association (ENSA)

ENSA is your student union, and you'll automatically become a member when you register with the University. You'll find lots of opportunities to gain new skills, meet new people and have fun, so check out everything they have to offer and get involved!

Follow ENSA on FacebookInstagram or X, and make sure you visit the official website at www.napierstudents.com for full details about all of the services available.

Get in touch

  • Email ensa@napier.ac.uk
  • Phone 0131 229 8791
  • Visit us in Room B34, Merchiston Campus

How do I join the Edinburgh Napier Students’ Association?

Membership is automatic and it's FREE!

Find out more about the services offered at napierstudents.com and follow ENSA on Instagram and Facebook for regular updates on student news and activities.

How do I opt out of ENSA membership?

If you don't want the benefits of becoming an ENSA member, you can choose to opt out of membership at any time by emailing dataprotection@napierstudents.com, providing your name and student number.

Please note that if you choose to opt out of membership, you will not be able to access some ENSA services, such as sports clubs and societies, and you will not be able to vote or run for office in the student elections.

How do I join a sports club or student society?

Getting involved with sports and societies is an amazing way of making new friends, developing your skills and making the most of your student experience. There are over 60 sports clubs and student societies that you can join.

Before joining an individual sports club or society, you'll need to buy an ENSA Sports or ENSA Societies Affiliation (£5 for Societies and £20 for Sports). Each sports club or society then charges a membership fee set by the club or society themselves, which can range in value depending on the costs of activities.

Look out for details of free taster sessions at the start of term.

Logo for Edinburgh Napier Students' Association (ENSA)

Get involved!

ENSA's vision: To enhance the student experience continually and assist our students in achieving their full potential.

ENSA's mission: To work with our members, our staff, the University, the community and other stake-holders who are involved in all aspects of the student experience by providing the representation, student centred services and activities necessary to achieving our vision.