International & EU Crisis Fund

The University provides limited emergency funding for EU and international students experiencing sudden and unexpected financial difficulties.


This fund is now closed for the 2023/24 academic session.

Please look out for Student Communications regarding the fund re-opening in September 2024.


International & EU Crisis Fund

The University has set aside limited funds to assist EU and international students in sudden and unexpected financial difficulty.

The fund allows for the provision of short-term financial support which may enable a student to complete their studies or allow the time needed for them to regain stability in their financial arrangements and continue their studies in future sessions. Applications meriting support might include occasions where a sponsor is suddenly unable to provide support, a temporary delay in a living cost allowance or where financial support is stopped because of a sudden change in political/social situation in their home country or where a student unexpectedly and urgently needed to return home for family reasons. 


If you are experiencing financial difficulties due to an unexpected event that could not have been reasonably anticipated, please refer to the policy document (Word, 22 kB).

You should write to the Student Funding Manager using your student email address not your personal email address to giving details of the situation and how it is affecting you financially. If the Student Funding Manager deems that you satisfy the eligibility criteria for this fund, they will provide you with details required to make an application.