Part-time fee grant and support

Part time fee grants or loans are available to some students from Scotland and the rest of the UK.

How do I apply?

Students from Scotland

The Part Time Fee Grant, which is managed by the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS), provides help each year towards the cost of tuition fees for eligible part time undergraduate students. The money is paid directly to the University. The level of tuition fee SAAS can pay depends on the number of credits you take and the qualification you are studying for. 

For information about the Part Time Fee Grant, the full eligibility criteria and details of how and when to apply please visit the SAAS website.

Students from the rest of the UK

Part time students who are from England, Wales or Northern Ireland may be eligible for fee grants or loans and/or course grants or loans.

Eligibility will depend on income and also when you start your course. Full information about what is available and who is eligible to apply is on the student finance pages of the UK Government’s website.

There is also a range of helpful guides available, for students from the rest of the UK, on the website.