New student FAQ - everything you need to know!

From setting up your account and password to uploading your photo for your student card, we've got everything you need to know about starting at Edinburgh Napier University.


Registering at the University

Registration is the formal process where you register as a student with Edinburgh Napier. Before you start at the University, you'll need to complete this easy process online.

There a number of steps to go through, including setting up your email and password. Some students will also need to complete a student visa and/or finance checks in order to complete the registration process in full.

Visit our Registration page for full details on how to register as a student.

Registering at the University

Congratulations on getting your offer! So, what's next? Let's get you started at Edinburgh Napier University.

First you'll have to complete our easy online student registration process. Keep an eye on your inbox for a welcome email. Welcome emails go out in July for students starting in Trimester 1 and December for students starting in Trimester 2. You'll receive this within seven working days of your application status changing to unconditional firm.

In the next email we'll guide you on how to register as a student.

After that we'll be in touch to explain how to create your own Edinburgh Napier password. You'll be taken to your Microsoft 365 account to set up features like multi-factor authentication and self-service password reset.

Great job! You'll receive a confirmation email to complete your online registration, then you'll gain access to a world of resources to get you ready for student life, including an online introduction to computing and the library, the photo manager for your student card (so you look fantastic!) and the super handy Edinburgh Napier app. Some students may also need to complete visa or finance checks.

Once you've completed all these steps, you're all set for your Edinburgh Napier journey.

Your induction timetable will be available in early August and within five working days of completing your registration you'll receive your personalised timetables. Don't forget to choose your option modules if needed.

If you think you might have missed an email, don't worry - first check your junk folder and if needed, reach out to for help.

For more information visit

Edinburgh Napier University – discover, learn and thrive.


Induction and timetable

When is my University induction session?

All the details about your welcome week calendar will be available here during w/c 6 January  2025. Remember to also check out activities arranged by Edinburgh Napier Students' Association.

What is my timetable for modules?

Teaching timetables are published three times a year on My Napier (via Publish), Edinburgh Napier App and Office365 calendars. Personalised Timetables are available to new students after registration. Please note it can take up to five working days for your personalised timetable to be fully available.

You will have, on average, nine hours of taught classes per week. Classes are taught on Monday to Fridays during the day and you may find that you have classes over several days of the week. You may also find that your timetable is different from your friends'. This may be because you’ve chosen different modules, or you have different tutorial sessions.

Find out more about your timetable.


Setting up your account

I have now set my password. What do I do now?

Once you have successfully set your password, you will be taken to the Security Info page on your Microsoft 365 account to set your Multi-Factor Authentication. When signing in use your email address in the format: [your Edinburgh Napier student number], e.g.

Click ‘Add Method’ and select ‘Authenticator App’ or ‘Phone’. This provides extra security on your account.

You will then receive another email which will take you to the online registration process. It contains a series of simple steps which you must complete as soon as possible. Find out more on the Multi-Factor Authentication page.

I successfully set my password as instructed but have now forgotten it what should I do?

If you have forgotten your password, please visit the Self-Service Password Reset service in the first instance. You should have enrolled for this as part of your Introduction to Computing and Library Services.

If you are still having difficulty, then please contact the IS Service Desk or visit your local Library or IT help desk.

When trying to set password I receive the error “no records for this Edinburgh Napier number”

The email address supplied during the application process differs from the one you are entering now. This could be due to a spelling mistake either now or on your application form or it may be because you have chosen to use a different email address.

First of all, try re-typing the email address the email came to. Please check the TO field of the email you received to ensure that email address you’re entering matches exactly with what we have. If the same error occurs, then please contact the IS Service Desk.

When I try to set my password it says “Password not set”

Your password does not meet the University’s complexity rules:

  • Password must be at least 15 characters in length
  • Password must not contain your name, username or your student registration number
  • Password must not contain words such as “napier” or “password”

Please note that if you have been a student with us before, you will not be able to use any of your passwords used previously. This applies if it was a completely different course.

When I try to set my password I receive the error that my account is still being created

If you have just received the first email, then please wait 72 hours and try again. It is likely that your account is still being created.

If it has been 72 hours since you received the email please contact the IS Service Desk or your local Library/IT Help Desk.

When I try to set my password I get the message “Sorry! This Getting Registered form can no longer be used to reset your password”

You have already used the link within the ‘Getting Registered with Edinburgh Napier University Part 2 of 3’ email to set your password. This link may only be used once to set your password. If you have forgotten your password please contact the IS Service Desk or your local Library/IT help Desk.

Where can I find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

You can find out more about MFA, including how to get help if you’re having difficulties, on the Multi-Factor Authentication My Napier page


Your student card

How do I get my student card?

Once you have completed registration you will be given an option to upload a photo for your student card via Photo Manager.

Once you have uploaded the photo and you are fully registered, your card (if you are eligible for a physical card) will be posted to the UK contact address you have confirmed in Photo Manager. Please note that student cards will only be sent to a UK contact address. If your address is not correct, you need to update your student record prior to uploading your photo.

You will have an opportunity to change this address but if you do not have a secure UK contact address yet that your card can be posted to, you may choose not to request your card at this time. Please be aware that if you request your card to be sent to an address, other than your UK contact address, and are unable to retrieve the card you may be charged £10 for a replacement. Once you have an address you can then come back, upload your photo, choose/update your address and your card will be posted to you.

When you have fully completed the registration process, have a confirmed contact address, and have uploaded a photo, your card will be sent to the card bureau for printing. The data is sent down daily every evening so will be picked up the next day and processed. Your card will be posted within 5-7 days of the bureau receiving your card data. Please note that the processing time may increase to 10-14 working days at the start of term due to a high volume of requests.

How long will it take to receive my student card?

When you are fully registered, have a confirmed UK contact address, and have uploaded a photo, your card will be sent to the card bureau for printing. The data is sent down daily every evening so will be picked up the next day and processed. Your card will be posted within 5-7 days of the bureau receiving your card data. Please note that the processing time may increase to 10-14 working days at the start of term due to a high volume of requests.

You will receive a notification via the Edinburgh Napier App when your card has been posted.

I have a contact address in student accommodation, but I won’t be at this address until after 20 January, should I get my card sent to my home address?

No, your card will be waiting for you when you arrive at your student accommodation.

I haven’t received my student card, what should I do?

Contact Reception staff by emailing and let them know that you haven’t received your card. Staff will be able to check when your card was posted and can arrange for a reprint if required.

How do I login to Photo Manager?

Login with your 8 digit Edinburgh Napier number and your password that you set earlier. You can access Photo Manager from the Next Steps page.

I don’t yet have a permanent contact address, what should I do?

Don’t panic. You don’t need your physical card immediately so you can wait until you have a UK contact address before you upload your photo.

Please be aware that if you request your card to be sent to an address other than your contact address and are unable to retrieve the card, you may be charged £10 for a replacement.

The address shown in Photo Manager is incorrect, what should I do?

If you click No where prompted this will take you to eStudent Records where you can update your contact address. Once complete, please go back to and complete your photo upload. You may need to wait 5-10 minutes for your amended address to appear.

Please ensure that you have entered a valid UK post code.

Please note that student cards will only be sent to a UK contact address.

I have updated my contact address in eStudent Records but it isn’t showing correctly in Photo Manager, what should I do?

It takes a few minutes for this update to reach Photo Manager. If this happens, please try again in 5-10 minutes.

I don’t have a passport photo to upload, can I take a ‘selfie’ to upload instead?

Yes, if you use Photo Manager on your mobile device, you will have the option to take a photo, or upload one of your existing photos.

Are there any guidelines for my photo?

Yes, these are available in Photo Manager. Your photo should:

  • Be a recent colour photo
  • Be a close-up of your full head and shoulders
  • Be clear and in focus
  • Be against a plain, light background
  • Be of you alone (no other people or pets in photo)
  • Show you facing forwards
  • Show your full face
  • Be in jpg, gif or png format
  • Be at least 300 x 350 pixels

In your photo you must:

  • Have your eyes open, visible and free from reflection or glare from glasses
  • Not wear a hat or cover your head unless for religious or medical reason
  • Not wear sunglasses
  • Not have anything covering your face

You must not:

  • Submit an image of someone else

What if my photo doesn’t meet these guidelines?

If your photo doesn’t meet the photo guidelines, there is a chance that you may be required to obtain a new student card with a new photo. This would incur a cost of £10.

Does it matter what format my photo is in?

Yes, your photo must be in either a jpg, gif or png format to upload.

I am trying to upload a photo but getting an error message that my photo is the wrong size, what should I do?

Your photo needs to be a minimum of 300 x 350 pixels in size to ensure that it is suitable for printing on your student card. Please ensure that your photo is larger than this. 

How do I check the size of my photo?

From a PC, if you right click on your photo and click Properties, then select the Details tab, you will see the size of your photo in pixels. You can use a variety of image editing tools on your PC to resize your image.

I cannot upload a photo, what should I do?

If you have checked the size of your photo and it meets the size requirements, please contact the IS Service Desk for additional support.

I have submitted a photo on Photo Manager but want to upload another one, can I do this?

No, you are only permitted to upload 1 photo. Once you have successfully submitted your photo, Photo Manager will not allow you to upload another one.

When I preview my card, I see a black square instead of my photo, what should I do?

If the image you’re trying to upload appears as a black square in preview mode, please cancel your photo upload and try again on a PC or different device. If the problems persists, please contact the IS Service Desk for additional support.

The details on the card preview are incorrect, who should I contact?

If the details displayed on your card preview are not correct, please contact the IS Service Desk in the first instance.

Can I use the University facilities/get a student discount/student bus pass etc. before I receive my card through the post?

If you download My Account, our Edinburgh Napier app, from the App Store or Google Play Store, you will see an electronic version of your card once you have fully registered and uploaded your photo.

You can use this to borrow books in the library and it is accepted as proof of your student status when applying for student bus/rail passes, including the Lothian Buses student ridacard.

However, the electronic version can't open University doors, including access to the building after hours or to specific labs - only your physical card can do that. You will also need to have a physical card if you are borrowing a laptop from the Lapsafe lockers. 

Some accessible toilets at the Merchiston campus are card-entry only. Please contact the Disability Inclusion team if you need to be able to use these toilets.

What data is being sent to the card bureau?

The privacy notice informs what data is being used, how and why.


Fees and Funding

How do I pay my tuition fees and what other funding is available?

Our Tuition Fees & Student Funding pages contain all of the financial information that you’ll need to know as a new student to the University. Please note that we are unable to accept travel cards as a method of payment.

Am I eligible for a Student Loan?

For most students studying a full-time undergraduate course, the main support for living costs is through a low interest student loan, which is partly income-assessed.

To be eligible for a loan, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You are studying on a full-time undergraduate course that qualifies for a loan
  • You meet UK residence eligibility conditions (for details contact the funding body applicable to your UK home country as detailed below under “How do I apply”) 

International and EU students

Unless you have been living in the UK for 3 full years before the relevant date set out by SAAS of your first course of study, you will not be entitled to a Student Loan. If you are not sure of your residency status you can confirm your situation with the Student Awards Agency for Scotland by calling 0300 555 0505 or via their webchat here.

The British Council's Education UK website has a facility allowing international students, from both inside and outside the EU, to search for, and gain advice on, scholarships.

How do I apply for a Student Loan?

When will I get my loan/bursary?

If your application has been assessed, your student loan should be with you on the first day of term (providing we have confirmed your attendance), or 2-3 days after we confirm your attendance –whichever date is later.

Has the university confirmed my attendance?

Please visit your eStudent records and the Financial Support section, which should provide you with the date that notification was sent to the SLC.

What if I haven’t yet received my first instalment?

If you have not yet received a payment you should ensure that you have:

  • fully completed the registration process 
  • signed your SLC online declaration
  • given SLC have a valid National Insurance number (NINO) and your bank details
  • informed Edinburgh Napier University and SLC of any changes to your details, such as name and address

If you are experiencing financial difficulties as a result of non-payment of your loan/bursary you should consider your eligibility to apply for help from the Discretionary Fund. Full details of criteria and how to apply can be found on the Discretionary Fund page.

What happens if I still have not received my first instalment?

If you have not received your first instalment, and have completed the registration process in full, you should contact Student Administration to find out why.

How do I get help with the cost of childcare?

If you use a registered provider you may be eligible to apply for help with childcare costs you should consider your eligibility to apply for help from the Childcare Fund.

My course has started and I have not received my student loan or SAAS bursary?

Although your course has started your student loans and SAAS bursary payments will not be released until you have fully completed the registration process, and are a current student of the University.

International students

Why have I received a visa upload request?

All non-UK students are required to provide evidence of their right to study in the UK.  We need to see the following documents:


Student visa holders please upload to CAS Shield


All other visa holders please upload using eStudent Records. (Go to Actions and click on Passport and Visa Upload).


You need to upload these documents to be fully registered at the university.

  • Digital Share Code – please either provide this using the chat function in CAS Shield, or by taking a photo of your code and uploading it to the document section under “Visa decision letter” OR

  • Visa decision letter – this would have been given to you when you received your visa and will contain your visa end date

  • Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) if you have one, please upload the front and back

  • Evidence of your entry date to the UK – your passport stamp or boarding pass

Students studying a single semester


If you are a non-visa national or an EU/EEA/Swiss national and have entered the UK via the e-Gate, then you will not receive any entry stamp on arrival. We ask you to keep your


boarding pass and upload it using eStudent Records. (Go to Actions and click on Passport and Visa Upload).


I’m a visiting student from Europe and I am asked to pay my fees during the registration task. What do I need to pay and how do I do this?

Visiting student fees may vary depending on your fee status or if you are coming through a University partnership. For more information on the fees you should pay and how you do it, please visit the Finance Page. For questions about the payment of your fees you can contact the Finance team on or call +44 (0) 0131 455 6120.

I am a visiting student who is starting in January and want to know if the modules I included on my application form can be changed when I arrive in Edinburgh?

It cannot always be guaranteed as it depends on the School where you will be based. Module choices will be discussed at your Academic Induction, which will take place during your first week. It will give you the opportunity to discuss module choices with an academic member of staff and start to consider your timetable for the months ahead.

I am a visiting student who is starting in January and am concerned that my module choices have not been confirmed. What should I do?

You should not worry! Module choices may be confirmed at your Academic Induction which will take place during your first week. If you cannot attend the Welcome Induction, please email the Global Mobility team at to let them know. 


Before you arrive

How do I register with a GP?

One of the first things you should do after moving in is to register with a local doctor (GP) and dentist. It will mean that you can easily access health services if you need to and will also make it easier for the University to support you if you suffer any mental health issues.

You can find local doctors and dentists via the NHS 24 website:

Do I need any immunisations before starting university?

Before you come to University, it is really important that you check with your GP that your vaccinations are up to date.

There are two highly-recommended vaccinations that new students should ensure that they get prior to starting University:

  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) immunisation
  • Meningococcal ACWY immunisation

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) immunisation - for all students

Measles, mumps and rubella are highly infectious conditions that can have serious and potentially fatal complications. The MMR vaccine is a safe and effective combined vaccine that protects against the three separate illnesses, in a single injection. The full course of the MMR vaccination requires two doses and should be given at least 4 weeks apart. It is likely that you will have received one MMR immunisation as a baby or a child, but it is advised to check with your GP before arriving at University if both doses have been administered.

If you have not received the MMR vaccine before leaving for University, you can register with a new GP practice once you arrive and arrange to get the vaccine here as soon as possible.

Meningococcal ACWY immunisation - for first-time University entrants

Meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning) are rare, but life threatening diseases. They are caused by several groups of meningococcal bacteria- the most common types are A, B, C, W and Y. Young people have the highest risk of contracting meningococcal disease, as well as children and babies.

The meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) vaccine helps protect against meningitis and septicaemia. Students starting University for the first time are at an increased risk of MenACWY disease because they are more likely to stay in halls of residence and have more close contact with new students, particularly during the first few weeks of term.

It is important that you are immunised at least two weeks before you attend University to make sure your immunity has fully built up.

If you did not get MenACWY immunised before leaving for University, you can register with a new GP practice once you arrive and arrange to get the vaccine as soon as possible.

If you are postgraduate and have any queries about meningitis and septicaemia you should speak with your GP.

Information about vaccinations

Please refer to NHS Inform for further information or call the NHS inform helpline on 0800 22 44 88 (text phone 18001 0800 22 44 88).

How do I get support for a disability, specific learning difficulty or long-term medical condition?

At Edinburgh Napier, we have a positive approach to supporting any student advising us of a disability, health condition or specific learning difficulty. That’s a big, diverse mix of people, including dyslexic students, students who stammer, student with a mental health condition and many more.

If you have had support before, for instance extra time when you took exams at school or college, we can look to carry on that sort of support on your new course.  We can also help you think through challenges coming up, develop new strategies, and decide about any additional support, including accessing additional funding if you are eligible.

If you had a support plan at school or college, send us a copy of that as soon as you can and include any evidence that supported it, such as a screening report from school, GP’s letter or educational psychologist’s report.

If you received the Disabled Student’s Allowance at college, please send us a copy of your needs assessment report or your recent funding application – again, as soon as you possibly can.  Preparing your support works best when we can review your documentation before you start your new course with us. – do not leave it until the term has started if you possibly can avoid it.

Find out more about the support available to you on My Napier and get in touch by emailing

For more information visit our Disability Inclusion pages.

Where will I live?

Have you sorted out somewhere suitable and safe to live? Are you eligible to apply for university managed accommodation? Find out how to apply for University accommodation, or find private accommodation, and get settled into life as an Edinburgh Napier student.

Students are expected to live within a commutable distance to their campus - please ensure that your UK address has been updated if/when you move.

How do I get to my home campus?

Find out how to get to your home campus and information on public transport by visiting our Getting to Campus page.

What books do I need to buy?

You will be given reading lists for each of your modules during the first couple of weeks at University. The library stocks copies of books on the reading list for you to refer to and borrow. The library also has an extensive collection of e-books for you to access online anywhere.

Get help finding library books and ebooks.


Accessing the University’s facilities and services

Where can I turn for confidential advice?

ENSA Advice is a free, independent, impartial and confidential student advice service available to all Edinburgh Napier students. The service is available throughout the year from Monday to Friday and accessible from Merchiston, Craiglockhart and Sighthill campuses.

ENSA's team of professional advisers can provide one-to-one advice to students in-person, over the phone, via MS Teams or via e-mail. To book an appointment, visit the ENSA Advice website.

How do I get access to the University computing and library facilities?

When you set your password, you will also have enrolled for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and registered for the Self-Service Password Reset service. This allows you to reset a forgotten password at any time on or off campus without having to contact the IS Service Desk or your local Library /IT help desk.

Then make sure you complete the Introduction to Computing & Library Services before you start at University. Follow the link, login using your student registration number and password, and choose "On Campus" or "Off Campus" as appropriate. Then follow the instructions to work through.

Your email address is in the format: [your Edinburgh Napier student number], e.g.

This will give you the basic information you need to get started, including:

  • Using computing suites and libraries
  • Connecting to Wi-Fi
  • How to access your University email and use Moodle – the online home of course information
  • How to find the books on your reading list in the Library

Where can I find resources to help me study and learn at University level?

Our Academic skills advisers help students get used to the different ways you may be expected to study, think and write at University. Whatever your year, programme of study and previous experience we provide guidance to help you develop the skills you need to tackle a range of academic assignments. Visit Academic Skills on My Napier.

Preparing for study at Edinburgh Napier University

We come to University with a range of different experiences, therefore it is important to understand what is expected of us at University level. Whether studying at university is completely new to you, you are a 'returner', coming from college, or beginning Postgraduate study, these resources will help you to prepare:

Where can I find out more about how the University processes my personal data?

You can access the University Privacy Notices here:

How do I stay safe on campus?

Our Edinburgh Napier security team provides a 24/7, 365 days per year service at our campuses and student accommodation. They are always on hand to offer support to students, whether it's checking in on your safety, reuniting you with something you've lost or letting you back into your flat after locking yourself out.

Now, it's easier to get in touch to raise any concerns or get help. We have partnered with SafeZone, a free app to connect you with our security team.

Find out more about the SafeZone app.

How do I join my Students’ Association?

Edinburgh Napier Students' Association (ENSA) is an independent, student-led charity created to support and improve your student experience. ENSA represents the interests of all Edinburgh Napier Students and offers a wide range of services, including sports clubs, societies, events, a free welfare-rights and education advice service, and much more.

Membership is automatic and it’s FREE!

Find out more about the services offered by ENSA at and follow @napierstudents on Instagram and Facebook for regular updates on student news and activities.

How do I opt-out of ENSA Membership?

If you DON’T want the benefits of becoming an ENSA member, you can choose to opt-out of membership at any time, by simply emailing, stating your name and student ID number.

Please note that if you choose to opt out of membership, you will NOT be able to access some ENSA Services, such as sports clubs and societies, and you will NOT be able to vote, or run for office, in the student elections.

How do I Join a Sports Club or Student Society?

Getting involved with sports and societies is an amazing way of making new friends, developing your skills and making the most of your student experience. There are over 60 sports clubs and student societies that you can join.

Before joining an individual sports club or society, you'll need to buy an ENSA Sports or ENSA Societies Affiliation (£5 for Societies and £20 for Sports). Each sports club or society then charges a 'membership fee' set by the club/society themselves, which can range in value depending on the costs of club/society activities.

Look out for details of free taster sessions at the start of term.