date and time icon Thu, 18 Apr 2024

Don’t get caught out by finance fraud and scams

Please remember to be on guard for phishing scams and fraud attempts, particularly around personal finance and bank accounts.

Some scammers contact students by telephone pretending to be a member of the university’s finance team, advising them their bank account has been compromised and persuading them to transfer their funds to another account. The scammers often pretend to have a crime reference number from the police and check LinkedIn for information to gain the student’s trust.

The Finance team at Edinburgh Napier University will never ask you to transfer money in this manner. If you have any doubts about whether the phone call is legitimate, please hang up and contact our Finance team directly to check.

By understanding the motives and signs of various scams, you can protect your personal information from scammers who may operate across international borders. Please read the Police Scotland Student Online Safety Booklet for more information and help keep yourself protected against scams.

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