date and time icon Fri, 25 Oct 2024

Update your password and eduroam settings

Due to a technical issue, all passwords which have not been recently changed have now expired and must be reset.

First, please forget the "eduroam" Wi-Fi network on all your devices, including your laptop if you have one. You will need to reconnect to "eduroam" at the end of this process.

Second, please change your password using the password reset service.

You can do this on your own device using mobile data or your home Wi-Fi connection, but if your device tries to connect to "eduroam" it may result in your account being temporarily locked out. You may also use one of our networked PCs in the libraries or computer labs to change your password at login.

Lastly, you should update your saved "eduroam" password on your mobile device (or forget the network and then reconnect).

More details on how to configure devices for "eduroam" can be found on our IT Support pages.

After you've changed your password, you may be prompted to re-login to Teams and other services.