Exam instructions

For each centrally timetabled exam which you take on campus you will be asked to sign the Instructions to Students form.  This form will confirm that you understand what is expected of you whilst undertaking a university exam.  You will also be asked to declare your self fit to sit the exam and able to complete the exam to the best of your abilities. Please refer to Fit to Sit and Extenuating Circumstances pages.

  1. This exam is being conducted under the regulations of the University and those of the external examining body (where appropriate).
  2. Once the exam has started, you may NOT leave the exam room until a period of one hour has elapsed from the start of the exam. If you do, you will be deemed to have withdrawn from the exam and your script book will not be marked.
  3. Communication between students or any other irregular practice is not allowed once exam question papers have been issued. This instruction will be enforced during the exam and includes any reading time specified.
  4. No unauthorised material may be brought into the exam room. Check that you have no material which might later be construed as an aid in the exam. The invigilator will instruct you regarding the removal of any material which is unauthorised such as notebooks, textbooks, mobile phones/smart watches etc. In a case where the invigilator has any doubt about whether you may have infringed the exam regulations, the invigilator will remove your script book and any unauthorised material. You will then be issued with a new script book and instructed to continue with the exam from the point at which you were interrupted. An investigation will follow in due course after the exam has concluded.
  5. Students are advised that programmable calculators may be used in appropriate exams provided that the memory/storage capability has been cleared prior to the start of the exam and the examiner has approved the use of programmable calculators. Sharing calculators is NOT permitted. The use of mobile phones/smart watches as calculators is NOT permitted. If you forget your calculator, please be advised that the Exam Office cannot provide a calculator.
  6. Do not leave your seat during the exam. Attract the invigilator’s attention by raising your hand. The invigilator will come to you. If you require a toilet break, please attract the invigilator’s attention by raising your hand.
  7. All students should produce an Edinburgh Napier Student Card, in order to gain entry to the exam room, which should be placed on your desk throughout the exam. Please be aware that you can also use the digital version of your Student Card available via the Edinburgh Napier App.
  8. Students must read the instructions on the front of the exam question paper before commencing work.
  9. The consumption of food and drink, other than bottled water, is not permitted in the exam room with the exception of students with an agreed Additional Adjustment.
  10. All electronic devices including mobile phones, smart watches etc. must be switched off and placed in the bag provided and left on the student’s desk during the exam and may not be taken out of the exam room until the end of the exam.
  11. Exam question papers must not be removed from the exam room during the exam.
  12. All rough work must be done in the exam script books and subsequently struck through if it is not intended for the examiner’s attention. You must hand in all script books at the close of the exam including any blank script books. The exam script books are the property of Edinburgh Napier University and must not be removed from the exam room.
  13. Students must complete the exam script books in ink, unless otherwise stated.
  14. If you finish more than fifteen minutes before the end of the exam, raise your hand to attract the attention of the invigilator who will come to you to collect your script books. Students finishing within fifteen minutes of the end of the exam will not be allowed to leave the room until the end of the exam.
  15. At the end of the exam, remain in your seat until the invigilator has collected your script books from you.
  16. Script books will be anonymously marked. Please ensure that your Registration Number appears on EACH script book and that you have followed the instruction on the cover of the script book.
  17. If you become ill during an exam to such an extent that you are unable to continue with the exam, you must draw this to the attention of an invigilator immediately for further advice.
  18. If you feel that your performance is affected during this exam by factors beyond your control, e.g. external noise or other factors, please inform your invigilator and after the exam is complete contact your school office within two working days for further advice.

Any action contrary to these instructions may lead to disciplinary action being taken by the University.