Guidance on religious observance and assessments
Edinburgh Napier University recognises religion and belief as a protected equality characteristic. The University and our students have a mutual responsibility for accommodating religious observance within the University environment and the University works with students and their representatives to ensure that during the course of their studies, students can access appropriate environments, such as designated Quiet Rooms, to allow religious fulfilment.
The University follows practice from across the Higher Education sector, in terms of religious observance and participation on compulsory training (on some professional programmes) and formal assessments. This includes arrangements for centrally timetabled, end of trimester examinations.
The University's approach aims to ensure a proportionate response for all involved in the training and assessment process, recognising that the needs of the University and a student’s academic progression must be balanced with their individual beliefs.
The progression requirements of our programmes of study are linked to the University Key Dates Calendar, incorporating Programme Assessment Boards which allow academic decisions to be made to enable students to be awarded or to progress to further years of study.
The expectations of our students in terms of progression means moving formal assessment dates to avoid clashes with significant dates in any world religion is not normally a reasonable option and would not constitute a proportionate response. The many assessments – including end of trimester Examination Diets - contribute to achieving the legitimate aim of managing University business effectively to meet the expectations of all our students and these may not be moved.
The University does however continue to look after the wellbeing of all our students and if required can provide practical advice and support to students who are observing religious festivals (such as, but not limited to, Diwali, Easter, Hanukkah or Ramadan). The University will ensure that student counsellors and support workers are equipped to cope with a potential increase in demand during periods of religious observance. In addition, student societies, the University Chaplaincy and local faith groups may have access to further resources that can be utilised to support students.
In the specific instance of Ramadan, taking the views from faith and diversity advisers that fasting is intended to be integrated into daily life, the University will provide appropriate support to students, for example, to assist them to stay healthy and cope with the physical and mental demands of fasting, religious observance and assessments. Students can also postpone a day of fasting if necessary, as this is permissible under the rules that govern fasting.
All students who attend assessments must declare themselves 'Fit to Sit' (i.e. students are declaring themselves to be well enough to sit an assessment, in other words 'Fit to Sit'). In cases where students have been impacted by circumstances, such as Ramadan coinciding with assessments, and feel unable to sit, then the University Extenuating Circumstances regulations should be considered by students.