Next steps TNE

As we welcome you to our University, there are a number of important things that you must do. The five steps outlined below will allow you to complete your formal registration with the University, apply for your digital ID card, get set up to use our online systems and will assist you with your academic studies. You must complete all of these steps as soon as possible and before the start of your programme.

Please note that you must have set your Edinburgh Napier password before you begin these steps.


Step 1 - Registering at the University

You need to register officially as a student by completing our online process known as registration.

Please login using your Edinburgh Napier email address and password that you've created for all your online services at the University.

Complete the registration process
A student sitting in a study space, working on a laptop

Step 2 - Upload your photo via Photo Manager

You need to submit a photo that will be printed on your student card.

Use a mobile device with a camera or have a photo ready to upload.

Click to start Step 2
Student sitting at a desk using the Edinburgh Napier app on their mobile phone

Step 3 - Download the Edinburgh Napier App

The Edinburgh Napier University app, also known as My Account, gives you personalised access to the University’s online services via your mobile device or any browser.
Click to start Step 3
Student holding a mobile phone which displays the Edinburgh Napier app

Step 4 - Introduction to Computers and Library

This compulsory introduction to computing systems and libraries gives you the information you need to successfully start your studies.

The step-by-step overview includes important items for your coursework like checking your university emails and finding books on your reading list.

Click to start Step 4
A row of students working on computers in one of the computer suites on campus

Step 5 - Academic Integrity online tutorial

This is a short online tutorial to help you understand how to complete your assessments at university with honesty and integrity.

You will learn about the importance of acknowledging your sources in your work and referencing accurately. Completing this course is important in helping you avoid plagiarism in your assignments.

Click to start Step 5
A student sitting in a study space, working on notes with a notepad and pencil