Rent and financial information

Our aim is to try and make rental costs and financial information as clear as possible for you, so we've provided a basic overview of some of the terms and processes you may come across.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please visit the Rent and Financial Information pages on our main Student Accommodation website or contact us at


The Student Accommodation Hardship Fund

If you're living in Edinburgh Napier Student Accommodation and have found yourself in financial difficulty, you can apply for a one-off payment of up to £500 depending on your circumstances.

The Student Accommodation Hardship Scholarship Fund was set up in 2021 by student accommodation staff. The aim is to provide financial support for students living within Edinburgh Napier student accommodation who find themselves in financial difficulty. The student accommodation team will be running various events throughout the year to raise funds in support of this charity.

Funding will be available for a 2-week period in December and April. Applications are accepted from students staying within student accommodation that have taken or applied for the student financial support available to them and are able to demonstrate financial hardship. One-off payments of up to £500 will be awarded to those successful.

When the fund is open, you can apply online via the Find a Fund system or get more information by emailing


Advance rent payment

You will pay a £500 advance rent payment when applying for student accommodation. This is offset against the total rent cost for your tenancy from start to finish.

Arrears process

You should ensure that you have enough money to cover your rent but if you miss a payment, we will try and uplift the money again using your registered card details. If after a second attempt, the payment is declined, you will need to contact us to manually make a payment. You will receive an email from the Finance Department with details of payments required and your rent account would then be in arrears.

If you are in arrears, your Accommodation Officer will contact you to make an appointment to discuss payment options. You will also receive notification from the finance department about your arrears. Any unpaid service charges will count towards your arrears so you may be contacted even if your rent instalment has been paid.

If your account remains in arrears for 3 weeks, we will contact your guarantor asking them to make payment on your behalf.

If you miss two consecutive months of rent payments and fail to make payment after our reminders are sent, we will issue you with a Notice To Quit (NTQ), asking you to vacate the property within 28 days.

Guarantor details

When you applied for accommodation, you supplied us with a guarantor form. The person who has signed this is known as your guarantor. If you miss a rent payment or don't pay a service charge on time, we will contact your guarantor asking them to make payment. They will be informed of all arrears and held liable if you don't pay.

Payment in full discount

You can pay your rent in full at the start of your tenancy (and before 9 September) to be eligible for a 2% discount. You can choose this option even if you set up an recurring card payment (RCP) with your application. Once this is paid, we will cancel your RCP agreement.

Please note, the 2% discount is not available to students staying for one trimester or staying in our nomination agreement accommodation.

Recurring Card Payment (RCP) details

You have set up a recurring card payment (RCP) to pay your rent. You can't cancel this yourself so if you need to update your card details, you should contact the finance department to do this.

Rent payment dates

Your first rental payment will be deducted on or around 10 September and monthly thereafter. Make sure you have enough money in your account to cover your rent on these dates.

If you miss a payment and fall into arrears, we will contact you to discuss payment options and will also contact your guarantor asking them to make payment.

Student funding support

If you are having financial difficulties, you may be eligible for support. Have a look at the student funding pages for more information and how to apply for funding.