Fees information for international students

  • Where annual fees are in excess of £6,500, the University requires a non-refundable fee deposit of £5,000 prior to registration.
  • If you are an international student who requires a Student Route visa to study in the UK, your CAS number will not be released until your payment has been received by our Fees Team
  • If a student declines an offer of a place on a course made to him/her after payment of the deposit, or a student enrols at Edinburgh Napier and then withdraws from study at any time before the completion of the course, the deposit will not be returned
  • If a student pays a deposit and then chooses to enrol at another institution, university of college, the deposit will not be refunded.


You change your mind within 14 days of making your deposit payment or;

Where a rejection for a UK student visa application is received, for this students must submit the following paperwork to the University’s finance Department:

  • The original unconditional offer letter from the University
  • The refusal letter from the Visa office/UKISA/Immigration office
  • Please note any refund issued will only be refunded to the source bank account in the country of origin

Prompt Payment Discount

There is a discount of £500 for full payment made 30 days prior to the course start date for self -funded students with annual tuition fees in excess of £6,500 (with the exception of collaborative students).


If you are a current student and need assistance with funding during your studies, please contact the Student Funding team by emailing studentfunding@napier.ac.uk 


International Hardship Fund

The University has set aside limited funds to assist EU and international students in unexpected financial difficulty.

The fund allows for the provision of short-term financial support which may enable a student to complete their studies or allow the time needed for them to regain stability in their financial arrangements and continue their studies in future sessions. Applications meriting support might include occasions where a sponsor is suddenly unable to provide support, a temporary delay in a living cost allowance or where financial support is stopped because of a sudden change in political/social situation in their home country or where a student unexpectedly and urgently needed to return home for family reasons.
International and EU Crisis Fund
Pound coin spinning with a blue background