Psychometric tests

Psychometric tests are used by employers mostly online, to shortlist candidates in the early stages of the recruitment process. They provide a measurable assessment of a candidate's suitability for a job. You must pass the test to proceed to the next stage and employers may check test scores by retesting at assessment centres.


Types of tests

Aptitude or ability tests

The type of test will depend on the nature of the job and may be multiple choice or true or false format. Tests are timed and scores compared with other candidates.

Examples of aptitude/ability tests can include verbal, numerical and logical reasoning tests.

Personality tests

These tests distinguish between personality traits and types to select candidates who fit the role and company culture. There are no right or wrong answers and it is best to be honest when answering questions.

Situational judgement tests

These tests assess your level of competence in relation to workplace scenarios deemed important for the job. Typically tests include scenarios with courses of actions from which you must choose the best option. You may be asked to rank options in order of their effectiveness and some tests may be timed.


Students with disabilities

This comprehensive guide to psychometric tests for disabled candidates (Word, opens in new window) has been produced by the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) Disability Task Group.

Free practice tests

The Assessment Day website offers free exercises for a range of psychometric tests, including numerical, verbal, inductive reasoning and situational judgement.

More websites offering free tests:

Two students sitting in the common room with books in front of them, listening to someone talk

Top tips for psychometric tests

  1. Become familiar with the style of tests by practising using free tests
  2. Complete tests in a setting where you can focus and will not be disturbed
  3. Read questions carefully before answering, looking at any detail, options and instructions