Student loans

Once you have completed your studies at Edinburgh Napier University, you will start to think how you will pay back your student loan.  The process is very simple, the SLC (Student Loans Company) will work with HMRC to collect repayments.  You do not start to repay your student loan until the April after you graduate.  The amount repaid depends on how much you earn, which part of the UK you are from and when you started your course.

UK Students

For UK students studying a full-time undergraduate course, the main support for living costs is through a low interest student loan, which is partly income-assessed.

To be eligible for a loan, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You are studying on a full-time undergraduate course that qualifies for a loan
  • You meet UK residence eligibility conditions (for details contact the funding body applicable to your UK home country)

If your home is in Scotland check out the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)
If you are from England visit Government UK
If you are from Northern Ireland visit the Student Finance Northern Ireland
If you are from Wales visit the Student Finance Wales

If you applied for funding before the advertised deadline for your Student Funding Body and your application has been assessed, your student loan should be with you on the first day of term (providing we have confirmed your attendance), or 2-3 days after we confirm your attendance –whichever date is later.

Please visit eStudent Records and the Financial Support section, which should provide you with the date notification was sent to the SLC.

If you have not yet received a payment you should ensure that you have fully matriculated, have signed your online declaration and ensured the SLC have a valid National Insurance number (NINO) for you.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties as a result of non-payment of your loan/bursary you should consider your eligibility to apply for help from the Discretionary Fund. Full details of criteria and how to apply can be found under Discretionary Fund.

International and EU students

Unless you have been living in the UK for 3 full years before the start of your first course of study, you will not be entitled to a Student Loan. If you are not sure of your residency status you can confirm your situation with the Student Awards Agency for Scotland by calling 0300 555 0505