Tier 4 and student route attendance monitoring

Under the current UK Visa & Immigration (UKV&I) Tier 4 policy regulations, the University must be in a position to confirm that any student, currently being sponsored under Tier 4 or the Student route, is actively engaged in studies and attending classes as required by their programme of study.


Face to Face Immigration Checks

To support this requirement the University operates regular ‘face to face’ checks for current Tier 4 and those studying under the Student Route. These checks are used to confirm that students are physically present on campus as required and are used in conjunction with the ongoing engagement monitoring checks undertaken by schools. The ‘face to face checks’ are co-ordinated by the Visa and International Support Team.

Students will be contacted by email a few weeks before the checks. The email will give a number of dates and locations which students can choose from. Checks will include checking passport and visa documents, address and contact information and course details. They are nothing to worry about and are usually very quick to complete.

Attendance checks

The Visa and International Support Team at the University work closely with the academic Schools to ensure that students are participating in their studies as expected. Schools run engagement reports and each students progress is checked on a regular basis.

It is common for students to undertake work placements or parts of their course out with the UK or indeed work on dissertations from home. It is important that the Visa and International Support Team are informed when students leave the UK during their studies, even if it’s just for a few short days.