International students

Welcome to Edinburgh Napier University.

If you are studying in Edinburgh, you are automatically registered to use our three libraries at Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill campuses. It is free to borrow books and use the Library spaces.

If you are joining us from overseas, read on for how to use the online library to access our ebooks, ejournals and audiovisual materials from your own country.

We recommend you start with the Introduction to Computing and Library Services, which will give you an overview of the services available.

Students working together around a laptop

Finding information about your subject

You will receive a reading list for each of your modules/courses. This list may contain books, journals, journal and newspaper articles, films etc. Use LibrarySearch to find the items in our libraries.

In addition to the items on your reading list, you may need to search for other information. You can contact your subject librarian who is an expert on finding information on your subject area or look at the subject guides they have created. 



LibrarySearch is the library’s online catalogue. Use it to find print and ebooks, print and ejournals, ejournal articles and other resources. 

Start your search in LibrarySearch as it contains good quality academic sources of information, which your lecturers will expect you to use in your work, and special links have been set up to make it easy for you to access resources.
Read more about LibrarySearch

Visiting the Library in person

  • Remember to bring your student card.
  • You can borrow up to 30 physical items. This includes books, laptops and inter library loans.
  • Find them in LibrarySearch.
  • If a book is not available, you can place a request. 
  • Use the number/letters you see in the record, e.g. 647.2 MUL, to find the book on the shelves.
  • Next, take the book to a self-service kiosk to add them to your library account.
  • Items are automatically renewed up to a maximum of 4 months unless recalled.  If an item on loan to you is requested by another user we will recall it by sending you an email asking you to return it within 7 days.
  • Fines are charged if items are returned late. This is because print books etc. may be needed by other students. See Our Charges and Fines.

Using the Library online

When you register with the University, you are also automatically registered with the library. The login details you use for Moodle and your university email will give you access to online resources, such as ejournals and ebooks. Please note that it is not possible for us to post print Library materials or photocopies to students based outside the UK.
Note that you will need to sign in to LibrarySearch with your University login to access resources - This is because only Edinburgh Napier students and staff are licensed to use them.


How to find...


  • Search for ebooks in LibrarySearch. If you know the title and author, use these, e.g. 
    • Hall, D., Brown, F. [2011]. Tourism and welfare: ethics, responsibility and sustainable well-being. Claremount, W.A.: Ebooks Corporation.
    • Type hall tourism welfare into the search box.
  • If you’re looking for an ebook about a specific subject, for example, tourism, try typing tourism and then use the Tweak my results options:
    • under Format choose Books
    • under Availability choose Full Text Online.
  • To read the ebook, click on Available at from the results page, then the name of the supplier under View Online (here it is Proquest Ebook Central).

See more at Finding and Borrowing Books.

Ejournals and journal articles

If you are searching for articles on a specific subject, for example, gender in cinema you can limit your search to only articles. e.g.

  • Go to LibrarySearch
  • Type gender cinema.
  • Click Tweak My Results. In the Format section, select Articles.
  • Under each result there will be an Available Online or Read Article link. Click this to access the article.


A journal article or reference you've found

If you were looking for the journal article below: 
Muratori, Michelle C., Smith, Carol Klose, (2015). Guiding the talent and career development of the gifted individual, Journal of Counseling and Development. 93 (2), p.173.

  • Type the following into the LibrarySearch searchbox: Muratori Guiding the talent and career development of the gifted individual Journal of Counseling and Development
  • Click the Download PDF or Available online link to access the article.
  • If you don’t find the article, try searching for the journal title (next).

A journal by title

If you know the name of the journal you are looking for:

  • Click on the Journal Search tab (above the LibrarySearch box). 
  • Type the journal name into the search box, e.g. in the above case: Journal of Counseling and Development
  • Click the Available online link. 
  • If you are looking for a specific article in the journal, check the Available from dates. Then click the supplier (e.g. Ebscohost) to go through to the journal.

Getting help

The Library is here to help you find the resources you need for your time at Edinburgh Napier University.

If you need help, email or contact your subject librarian.

Find out more in the Help Centre
Student and library staff member talking at Library helpdesk