Finding resources

LibrarySearch is the quickest and easiest way to search across our three libraries worth of books and online resources. You can find many ebooks and subscription resources online without leaving your home, or click and collect to request books to be ready for you at the collection point.

The book or journal article I want isn't on LibrarySearch

Recommend a book for purchase

Use the Unidesk Student Book Purchase Suggestion form (note that this link only works for ENU students).
This will send the details of the book to your subject librarian and they will consider whether to buy it.

If you are having trouble accessing books on your reading list, please contact your School's Subject Librarian.


Help with types of resources

There are many different ways to get into our resources.

You can learn more about LibrarySearch or your lecturer may give you online reading lists for your modules which will link directly to Library resources. See Reading Lists.

Most of the journals purchased by the library are available online, but note that many of these will not be found by using Google or other search engines - you will need to go through LibrarySearch or a subscription database. 

Find out more about internet searching or see using Google Scholar with Library resources.

Ebooks - Guides to all suppliers and FAQs

Eresource issues

Please note that although many eresources are delivered by third parties, if you experience any problems, please contact us and we will undertake to resolve any problems.

Check for live updates on known issues at Service Status.