Parking FAQs

Following updates to our University parking policy and the re-introduction of parking charges via the RingGo app, we have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions about parking. 


Why does the University charge for parking?

Over the last few years, we were able to pause parking charges across our campuses, as we adjusted to retuning to campus following the pandemic. However, the planning agreement between the City of Edinburgh Council and the University covering the redevelopment of Craiglockhart states that the University must “introduce a pay parking scheme”. At the time, the University agreed to extend parking control to Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill.

How much does parking cost?

Reference Type Standard & Temporary (£) Car Share (1)* (£) Car Share 2* (£)
3.7.1 Daily  0.50 0.25 0.00
3.7.2 Weekly 1.25 0.65 0.00
3.7.3 Monthly 5.00 2.50 0.00

*Only for students who have a car sharing permit

*Care Share 1 is for a driver plus one passenger. Care Share 2 is for a driver and two passengers. Driver and passenger must be from different households.

Are parking charges new?

No.  Between 2004 and 2020 the University charged staff and students to park at Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill. Parking charges were paused as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Why are parking charges processed through RingGo?

Historically, student permit costs were charged through an annual payment. However, to adapt to remote and hybrid studying, processing charges through Ringo provides students an opportunity to adapt and pay for parking on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Why do UKPC monitor the University car parks?

UKPC are contracted by the University to monitor car parks at Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill. Primary focus of daily monitoring is to ensure that vehicles are parked appropriately and safely i.e. not blocking fire escapes or other service areas. All vehicles parked at Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill must have a permit.

Is the Parking Policy new?

No. A Parking Policy has been in place at Edinburgh Napier since 2004. The 2023/24 update is a refresh of the original document, ensuring all information within the Policy is relevant and up to date.

Do I still need a permit to park at Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill?

Yes. Students must apply for a permit to park at Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill. The permit provides permission to park. Permit holders must then pay the agreed fees in place through RingGo.

Can I park a vehicle at Craiglockhart, Merchiston or Sighthill without a permit but pay through Ringo?

No.  You must have a permit to park at Merchiston, Sighthill and Craiglockhart.  The permit provides permission to park.

How are permits allocated to students?

Permits are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. There are currently no student parking permits available for any campus due to being significantly oversubscribed.

Where can I park if there are no parking permits available?

We encourage all students to consider active travel and public transport opportunities for accessing all of our campuses. If choosing to park a private vehicle on the public street, we encourage all staff and students to park appropriately and considerately, following all regulations in place. For an overview of alterative parking options in Edinburgh visit the City of Edinburgh Council parking webpage.

Do I need to have a permit and pay if I am a Blue Badge holder?

No. Blue Badge holders can park at Craiglockhart, Merchiston or Sighthill without a permit, free of charge. The Blue Badge must be clearly visible within the vehicle.

Do I need a permit to park a motorbike and do I need to pay via Ringo?

No.  Motorbikes do not require a parking permit. There is no charge for parking a motorbike at Craiglockhart, Merchiston or Sighthill. However, all motorbikes must be parked within designated motorbike parking areas. Motorbikes must not be parked within spaces designated for other vehicles.

What is the process for electric vehicles?

For the process and management of electric vehicles, please refer to section 5 of the Parking Policy.

What are the responsibilities of each organisation involved?

Owner and manager of the Parking Policy.
Owner of all land and parking spaces at Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill campuses.
Management and issue of parking permits.
Management of Ringo and UKPC contracts.

Provision of app and telephone line for parking payments.
Collection and processing of parking payments from car park users. Monthly transfer to the University.

Physical audit of parking areas at Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill to ensure all vehicles are parked in line with all guidelines noted within the Parking Policy.


Who can I contact about parking?

Please email  A member of the Property & Facilities team will be in touch to help with your query.