Keep on Track

Starting at university is an exciting time, but we know it can have its challenges as well. Moving into a new home, making friends, getting used to academic life and your studies—there's a lot to take on!

Illustration of hedgehog standing next to sign posts, with the text: "It's normal to feel a little lost when you start university. If you're finding making friends difficult, drop in for a chat with one of our Keep on Track Advisers. Our door is open to everyone."

Feeling unsettled? Don't worry - it's normal!

It's completely normal to feel a bit unsettled or overwhelmed, especially at the beginning of your university journey. But don't worry—you’re not alone! We're here to support you, whether it's as simple as having a chat or offering you more specialised advice.

Maybe after a few weeks you still don't feel settled in, or the experience is not what you expected. No matter the reason (or how small it may seem), you can reach out and speak to one of our Keep on Track advisers. We are here to listen, offer understanding, and help you make the best decisions for you.


Get in touch

Come along to one of our drop-ins for a brief chat with one of our Keep on Track advisers. You don't need to book - just turn up during the drop-in time below and you will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Monday 11am-1pm: Craiglockhart Room 1/05
  • Tuesday 1-3pm: Sighthill Room 1B36
  • Wednesday 1-3pm: Merchiston Student Centre, Room 1

Please note that drop-ins are available during term time only.

If you would prefer to book a 30-minute appointment with one of our Keep on Track advisers, please use our online booking form. Once you have completed and submitted the form, the Keep on Track team will be in touch via email with instructions on how to book an appointment. Appointments are 30 minutes and are offered face-to-face on campus, on the phone, or over online video call.

If you have any difficulties booking an appointment, please email


Thinking of leaving? Let us help you Keep on Track

If you're struggling to stay on course with your studies, find the support you need, or are thinking of leaving uni, reach out and speak to someone.

Maybe you've failed an exam, you're struggling to make ends meet and are experiencing personal difficulties, or the coursework is just pilling up and you don’t know how to catch up.

These things are completely normal and no reason for you to give up on your university experience.

There are a number of services and University staff available to you if you are finding things tough – these include your Personal Development Tutor (PDT) and lecturers on your course. They care about you and your education. If you’ve not been in touch with them, this will be a good place to start.

If you would like help to coordinate what you need to remain at university or would like support in addition to your PDT, please get in touch with our Keep on Track team.

We are not here to judge. We’ll point you in the right direction for support services and help you to make the best decision for you.

Once you're clear about what you want to do, we'll keep in touch to make sure that you are moving forward and keeping on track.

Things may seem difficult now, but most of the students who use our service decide to stay on at uni. However, if you decide that it's just not for you, we will help you end or suspend your studies in the least stressful way.

Illustration of frog sleeping next to an alarm clock, with the text: "Sometimes it's hard to find that Monday motivation. If you're struggling to settle in, drop in for a chat with one of our Keep on Track Advisers. Our door is open to everyone."

If you’re thinking of changing course

If you're thinking of changing course, it's important to explore why. For more information, visit our Thinking of changing course page.

We welcome everyone

We provide a non-judgemental and welcoming service to all and do not discriminate against anyone based on age, gender, disability, ethnicity, gender reassignment, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.