Counselling & Mental Wellbeing

The Counselling & Mental Wellbeing team is here to help you feel content, healthy and supported.

Please get in touch if you are experiencing difficulties with your mental health. Drop us an email at or call 0131 455 2459.

Student Concern - If you are a member of staff concerned about a student’s mental health, please contact Wellbeing Service Management by emailing

The Counselling Team operates 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday and is a non-crisis service. If you need to speak to someone urgently outside of office hours, please consult emergency and out of hours support.

Our Wellbeing Collection provides a specially chosen collection of books, films, and apps to help you overcome experiences, thoughts, and feelings that can be stressful or uncomfortable. Use the Wellbeing LibGuide to find information, advice, and personal stories that deal with topics such as living with anxiety and depression, to coping with exam stress, to romance and sexuality.


Self Referral

Please complete the Self Referral Form to register with the Counselling & Mental Wellbeing service. To arrange an appointment you will be required to complete this. If a form is uncompleted then we will have no way to contact you, so if you are having difficulties please get in touch or you can attend one of our drop-in appointments.

The Counselling and Mental Wellbeing team usually runs between 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday. We take your wellbeing seriously but do not operate as a crisis service.

Self Referral
Student holding a mobile phone which displays the Edinburgh Napier app
Student sitting in library area working at a laptop

Online Support

If you are going through a tough time, you can now access free, anonymous, online support and self help with Togetherall and SilverCloud. Whether you’re struggling to sleep, feeling low, stressed or unable to cope, these online platforms can help you get support, take control and feel better. Togetherall SilverCloud

Student Mental Health Agreement (SMHA)​

The Student Mental Health Agreement (SMHA) aims to bring student associations and their University together to collaborate on mental health initiatives.  The Agreement ensures that the Service, together with the Student Union, is actively achieving its goals to promote the importance of student mental health by challenging stigma, raising awareness of mental wellbeing. This agreement documents the activities the university organises to improve student mental health. 
Student Mental Health Agreement (PDF, 300 kB)
Three students sitting on pink sofas, laughing and chatting to each other

Student Counselling & Mental Wellbeing

If you're putting on a brave face, come and talk with us. The Counselling & Mental Wellbeing team is here to help you feel content, healthy and supported. The team offers a range of support and advice for students who are experiencing stress, anxiety or other mental health issues due to personal circumstances or academic pressures. Remember to ask for help if you need it. It’s better to do this as soon as you realise things are getting difficult.
Student Counselling & Mental Wellbeing

Things have been going well. I've been busy, I’ve not a lot of time to clear my head, but apart from that work is good, school is good.

I wouldn't say I'm struggling. Things are hard, but everyone finds things hard. I've not got it any worse than anyone else, so…

I don't have a lot of time for myself. I have to be at work, I have to make sure I get all my homework done, assignments and things like that. Maybe I should take a bit more time but then…you know, who wants to sit and listen to their own thoughts forever? Nah, it’s best to keep busy.

I'm not really coping. Although it’s not like you have much of another choice, you know, if you're not. You kind of just have to…so yeah…I am fine.

[On-screen text: If you’re putting on a brave face, come and talk with us. Student Counselling & Mental Wellbeing.]