Fine appeals and extenuating circumstances

Borrowers are responsible for returning all items borrowed from the Library by the due date listed on LibrarySearch / My Account, and weekly Activity Reports are sent as courtesy reminders.

If unable to return items by the due date, borrowers are urged to contact us as soon as possible, as failure to do so may impact on the result of an appeal.


Automatic renewals and fines

Borrowed items will automatically renew for up to four months, unless recalled.
Laptops cannot be renewed.

Fines are levied if you return items late which have been recalled to fulfil requests by another user.

Items not returned within 2 weeks of the due date will be deemed Lost, and a bill for the full replacement cost will be sent. 

The full replacement cost is:

  • £50 for books and other library resources
  • £750 for laptops

Submitting Fine Appeals

Appeals should normally be submitted on a Fine Appeal form on return of items. Sign in to Unidesk Self Service and select Forms, then Teaching, Learning & Library Resources (Students). 

Further information is available from the Our Charges and Fines pages or from the Library and IT Helpdesks. Appeals may also be made by email to Late appeals may be accepted, but must detail how circumstances prevented earlier submission. Receipt of a Fine Appeal does not mean the circumstances have been accepted as valid.

Appeals will be considered by the Information and Operations Manager or their nominee and customers will receive feedback by email, normally within 3 working days.

All Fine Appeals must be accompanied by relevant third party evidence, which must be directly relevant to the person submitting the appeal.

Supporting Evidence for Fine Appeals (examples):

  • GP or other medical practitioner’s letter;
  • Confirmation of absence from your School or a University counsellor;
  • Confirmation of a successful appeal through the University Appeals process

Extenuating circumstances that may be considered for a Fine Appeal (examples):

Delay in returning items due to:

  • Serious illness or injury
  • The death or chronic illness of a family member, dependant or close friend
  • Domestic, financial and/or personal crises leading to severe stress
  • Unplanned absence arising from pregnancy, maternity or caring responsibilities
  • Circumstances arising as a consequence of, or subsequent to, suspension or temporary exclusion from the University, which was not intended as a penalty
  • Significant adverse weather or travel disruption

The following are not considered acceptable grounds for appeal (examples):

  • Holidays, or other planned events that could have been anticipated;
  • Non-receipt / delivery of Library reminders;
  • Forgetting the due date of loans;
  • Technical failure or loss of personal device (laptop, phone).