Global Conflict Discretionary Fund

Global Conflict Discretionary Fund for international students who have been financially impacted by global conflict.

Students facing financial hardship as a direct consequence of a global conflict are now eligible to apply for the HE Discretionary Fund.  This means that some international students will have access to this fund to help with living costs.

Please note that in most circumstances the University will use the advice provided by the Foreign and Commonwealth to make an assessment about a country or region being a place of global conflict. We will normally base this decision on the evidence provided on FCO website noting where they advise against all travel to that country or region due to conflict.


This fund is now closed for the 2023/24 academic session.

Please look out for Student Communications regarding the fund re-opening in September 2024.



International students are eligible to be considered for help from the Discretionary Fund if:  

  • Access to financial support from overseas has reduced or disappeared
  • There is a requirement to support family members overseas because of a conflict, and
  • They are able to demonstrate financial hardship

Funding is available for help with essential living costs only and cannot be awarded to help with the cost of tuition fees.

How to apply 

You should write to the Student Funding Manager using your student email address not your personal email address to giving details of the situation and how it is affecting you financially. You should include details of which country you receive financial support from and evidence of your income and expenditure; both directly before you were affected financially by this conflict and since your financial circumstances changed.  Your bank statements can usually be used to provide this evidence. We may ask you for further evidence before a decision can be made.

If the Student Funding Manager deems that you satisfy the eligibility criteria for this fund, they will provide you with details required to make an online application. 

Useful contacts:

Edinburgh Napier Student Association Advice Service:

Wellbeing and Inclusion

Tuition Fees: