Honorary Chaplains and Places of Worship

We have noted below some of the main places of worship in Edinburgh, some of which are close to our three campuses. The list contains a wide selection of places of worship across a range of traditions within Edinburgh and notes those contacts who are also part of the University’s team of honorary Chaplains.

Anglican (Scottish Episcopal Church)

Christ Church,

6a Morningside Road, 0131 229 0090, manager@6a.org.uk

St Michael and All Saints - Revd Martin Robson, Rector

26 Brougham Place, Tollcross, rector@stmichaelandallsaints.org 0131 623 1179

St Pauls & St Georges - Dave Richards, Rector

10 Broughton Street, Edinburgh,

0131 556 1335, office@psandgs.org.uk


Edinburgh Baha’i Centre - David Merrick, 44 Albany Street, EH1 3QR, 0131 333 2170


Grace Baptist Church - Ali McLachlan,

62 Logie Green Road, Edinburgh EH7 4HQ, 0789 124 8926,contact@grace-edinburgh.com


Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre

25 Bernard Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6SH, 0131 225 8359

Edinburgh Buddhist Centre

Healthy Life Centre, 35-37 Bread Street, Edinburgh EH3 9AL, 07599 718556


Edinburgh Napier Honorary Chaplaincy team - Edinburgh Napier Honorary Chaplaincy team - Fr Dermot Morrin OP, Superior and Parish Priest, Fr Albert Robertson OP, Assistant Chaplain, Fr Matthew Jarvis OP, Assistant Chaplain, 24 George Square, 0131 650 0900.




Church of Scotland

St. David's Broomhouse Parish Church - Edinburgh Napier Honorary Chaplaincy team - Rev Michael Mair

70 Broomhouse Crescent, Broomhouse, Edinburgh, EH11 3RH, mmair@churchofscotland.org.uk

Morningside Parish Church - Rev Dr Derek Browning, 0131 447 1617 derek.browning@churchofscotland.org.uk

Cluny Gardens/Braid Road, 0131 447 6745, minister@morningsideparishchurch.org.uk

Polwarth Parish Church - Rev Jack Holt

36-38 Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh, 0131 346 2711, minister@polwarth.org.uk

Marchmont St Giles - Edinburgh Napier Honorary Chaplaincy team - Rev Dr. Karen Campbell

1a Kilgraston Rd, Edinburgh, EH9 2DW, 0131 447 4359, office@marchmontstgiles.org.uk

Craiglockhart Parish Church - Rev Gordon Kennedy,

Craiglockhart Drive North

Edinburgh, EH14 1HS, 0131 444 1615gordonkennedy@craiglockhartchurch.org

Morningside United Church (United Reformed and Church of Scotland) - Edinburgh Napier Honorary Chaplaincy team - Rev Steven Manders

15 Chamberlain Road, Edinburgh, EH10 4DJ,  0131 447 3152 Rev David Scott 


Edinburgh Hindu Mandir & Cultural CentreSt Andrews Place, Leith, EH67EG, 01316770905, info@edinburghhindumandir.org.uk


Humanist Society Scotland (Edinburgh)

Honorary Secretary: Chris Doye,edinburgh@humanism.scot Edinburgh Humanists Facebook


Edinburgh Napier Honorary Chaplaincy team - Shaykh Amin Buxtonchapliancy@napier.ac.uk

Central Mosque & Islamic Centre, 50 Potterrow, Edinburgh, EH8 9BT, 0131 667 1777

Mosque & Islamic Community Centre, 12 Roxburgh Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9TA, 0131 556 1902

Annandale Mosque – Mosque and Community Centre, 43-45 Annandale Street, Edinburgh, EH7 4AZ, 07514 774001

Shahjalal Mosque & Islamic Centre, 8a Annandale Lane, Edinburgh, EH7, 0131 557 1841

Idara Taleem ul Qur’an, 8-10 Temple Park Crescent, Edinburgh, EH11 1HT, 0131 229 3844


The Jewish University Chaplaincy is served in Edinburgh by Rabbi Eliran and Ayalah Shabo. To contact Eliran and Ayalah call 07570 372 557 or 07570 372 586 or email Eliran@mychaplaincy.co.uk or Ayalah@mychaplaincy.co.uk.

Mark Solomon is Rabbi of Sukkat Shalom, the Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community, as well as the Leicester Progressive Synagogue. He lives in London, where he is senior lecturer in Rabbinic Literature at Leo Baeck College, the seminary for Progressive rabbis. He is also Interfaith Consultant for Liberal Judaism and Chair of the Liberal Beit Din (Rabbinic Court).

Originally from Australia, he was the first orthodox rabbi to come out in Britain, and is active in the Jewish LGBT+ community. Since 2005 he has been visiting Edinburgh regularly – at least every month – as rabbi of Sukkat Shalom.

The congregation welcomes students to its services and especially its potluck Shabbat dinners on Friday evenings, and you can find information on www.eljc.org.

Mark is always available to speak to students, and can be contacted on marklsolomon@outlook.com


City of Edinburgh Methodist Church

25 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9BX, 0131 662 8635, cemc.facilities@edinburghmethodist.com


Orthodox Church and Chaplaincy of St Andrew (Archimandrite Avraamy Neyman), 2 Meadow Lane, Edinburgh, EH8 9NR, 01382 293 723, xaneyman@yahoo.co.uk


Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Alastair Cameron,

Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2JL, 0131 225 4825, sescotlandam@quaker.org.uk

Edinburgh University Student Quaker Society, euquakersoc@gmail.com


EdinburghGuru Nanak Gurdwara contact Edinburgh Napier Honorary Chaplaincy team -Trishna Singh trishna@sikhsanjog.com

1 Sheriff Brae, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 6EQ, 0131 554 7207, info@edinburgh-gurdwara.co.uk