Laptops to loan

Find out how to access our 14-day self-service laptop loan scheme, or get a long-term laptop loan through the Digital Access Scheme.


Self-service 14-day laptop loan

If you need access to a laptop you can borrow one from one of our self-service Lapsafe lockers.

You'll find the lockers at:

  • Craiglockhart library
  • Jack Kilby Computing Centre (JKCC), Merchiston
  • Merchiston library
  • Sighthill (LRC2)
  • Bainfield Student Accommodation

We know that some students may not be able to reach all lockers to borrow a laptop, so we also provide an easy access option. This allows you to access the laptops located on levels 6 to 10, which are lower but not ground level. If you can't reach a laptop, staff at helpdesks are here to help you. Find out more on the Library Accessibility and Inclusion page.


The 14-day laptop loan service is available during campus opening hours:

Location Trimesters 1 and 2  Trimester 3 
 JKCC at Merchiston  Available throughout JKCC opening hours  Available throughout JKCC opening hours
 Merchiston Library  Available throughout Merchiston Library opening hours  Available throughout Merchiston Library opening hours
 Craiglockhart Library  Available throughout campus opening hours  Available throughout campus opening hours
 Sighthill LRC  Available throughout campus opening hours  Available throughout campus opening hours
 Bainfield Student Accommodation   Available 24/7 (except between 2am -4am)  Available 24/7 (except between 2am -4am)

Loan guidance

Before you borrow a laptop you should be aware of the following:

  • Insurance is not included. You are responsible for the full costs of repair or replacement, so we recommend that you have adequate insurance or extend your home contents policy if applicable.
  • A borrowed laptop must not be taken out of the UK.
  • You are only allowed to have one laptop on your account at any time.
  • You must return the laptop you have on loan before another is issued to you.
  • You must return the laptop to the campus which it was borrowed from.
14-day laptop loan terms and conditions
Laptop Availability

Check our current laptop availability below






Sighthill Library










Craiglockhart Library





Merchiston Library






14-day laptop loan frequently asked questions

How do I borrow a laptop from a self-service machine?

To borrow a laptop from a self-service machine:

  • Touch “loan laptop” on cabinet touchscreen.
  • Swipe card to authenticate.
  • Accept Terms and Conditions.
  • Locker light flashes.
  • Re-swipe on appropriate column to open locker.
  • Take hardware and close door.
  • Print receipt (optional).


How do I return a laptop to a self-service machine?

To return a laptop to a self service machine:

  • Touch “return laptop” on cabinet touchscreen.
  • Swipe card to authenticate.
  • Locker light flashes.
  • Locker door opens.
  • Return hardware and connect power and Ethernet.
  • Close door.
  • Print receipt (optional).


Student sitting next to a bright window in a study booth, working on a laptop

Get a long-term laptop loan with the Digital Access Scheme

Due to funding from the Scottish Funding Council, we can now provide laptops for long-term loan for eligible students who are struggling to access appropriate IT resources.

Further information including criteria and terms and conditions can be found on the Digital Access Scheme Laptops page. 

Digital Access Scheme Laptops