Laptop loan terms and conditions

If you are accessing a laptop through our 14-day self-service loan or applying for a long-term loan through the Digital Access Scheme, please familiarise yourself with the laptop loan terms and conditions for each scheme.


14-day self-service laptop loan terms and conditions

Lockers for Laptop Loans are available to Edinburgh Napier University students at Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill Libraries, the JKCC, and Bainfield. 

  1. To borrow or return a laptop, you must be a current student and use your own physical or electronic student card.
  2. Loan laptops remain the property of Edinburgh Napier University and borrowers must comply with the University’s Information Security Policies and agree to the Library’s Privacy Notice.
  3. Laptops are available for personal use only. You must not give your laptop to anyone else or take it out of the UK.
  4. Laptops can be borrowed for up to 14 days and are not renewable. Laptop must be returned on or before the due date. 
  5. You are responsible for any loss or damage that occurs to your borrowed laptop. Please keep it clean. 
  6. We check the laptops regularly, and we will charge repair/replacement fees for any laptop that is damaged while it is out on loan. Please contact the Library Helpdesk or Information Services Service Desk immediately if you notice any damage.
  7. Laptop loans are subject to the Library Circulation Guidelines . We may block access to laptops that are not returned on time. This may include the ability to login to the laptop. 
  8. All work must be saved and backed up to an external device or online cloud storage (e.g. OneDrive). The University is not liable for any loss of data.
Contact the IS Service Desk Find out more about late returns