Laptop loan terms and conditions
If you are accessing a laptop through our 14-day self-service loan or applying for a long-term loan through the Digital Access Scheme, please familiarise yourself with the laptop loan terms and conditions for each scheme.
14-day self-service laptop loan terms and conditions
Lockers for Laptop Loans are available to Edinburgh Napier University students at Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill Libraries, the JKCC, and Bainfield.
- To borrow or return a laptop, you must be a current student and use your own physical or electronic student card.
- Loan laptops remain the property of Edinburgh Napier University and borrowers must comply with the University’s Information Security Policies and agree to the Library’s Privacy Notice.
- Laptops are available for personal use only. You must not give your laptop to anyone else or take it out of the UK.
- Laptops can be borrowed for up to 14 days and are not renewable. Laptop must be returned on or before the due date.
- You are responsible for any loss or damage that occurs to your borrowed laptop. Please keep it clean.
- We check the laptops regularly, and we will charge repair/replacement fees for any laptop that is damaged while it is out on loan. Please contact the Library Helpdesk or Information Services Service Desk immediately if you notice any damage.
- Laptop loans are subject to the Library Circulation Guidelines . We may block access to laptops that are not returned on time. This may include the ability to login to the laptop.
- All work must be saved and backed up to an external device or online cloud storage (e.g. OneDrive). The University is not liable for any loss of data.