GDPR and how we use your personal information
We want you to know and understand why we might ask for your personal information, how we store it and what we do with it.
The Basics
You have told us about a disability, specific learning difficulty or health condition. Any formal evidence you provide in relation to your disability, specific learning difficulty or health condition will be held in secure confidential files by the Disability Inclusion team, in accordance with the University's records retention schedules.
Why we ask for your personal information
- To understand what support you have had in the past
- To help us think about support we could offer you and to write a Learning Profile (support plan)
- To help us work on your behalf, including: liaising with lecturers and the exams team to put in place support arrangements for you; liaising with the health & safety team if we might need to consider additional safety measures for you (if relevant); liaising with the student accommodation team (if relevant).
We might also use your information to help us respond to our wider duty of care towards you as one of our students. That includes us considering your overall safety and welfare.
What we do with your personal information
To arrange your support, we may need to share information about you, including:
- Information about support you might need for classes and coursework: lecturers and your School Disability Contact.
- Information about support you might need for tests and exams: lecturers, your School Disability Contact, the exams team.
- Information about safety measures we might need to take: health & safety team, lecturers, your School Disability Contact.
- Information about support you might need in student accommodation: student accommodation team, health & safety team.
- Information to support your application for Disabled Students' Allowance: your student funding body (SAAS, SFE, SFNI, SFW) and the access centre carrying out your needs assessment.
- Information to support your application to the Fund for Students with Disabilities: the Higher Education Authority.
- Information about your additional support requirements: external agencies providing specialist one-to-one support workers.
- Information about support you might need on work placements: placement supervisors, placement providers, your School Disability Contact.
- Information about support you might need on overseas study opportunities: Global Mobility team, host institution.
- Information about your general welfare or safety: Student Wellbeing & Inclusion department, Director of Student Services & Academic Registrar.
We share your information in line with our responsibilities under UK Data Protection legislation. You can find out more about how the University processes your personal data by viewing our privacy notices. The Disability Inclusion team is covered by the Wellbeing & Inclusion Department Privacy Notice.