Where do I start?
It can be difficult to reach out when looking for support, and we want to reassure you that the Disability Inclusion team are here to listen and help. On this page, you can find out how to get support and what to do if you're looking for a diagnosis.If you've not worked with the Disability Inclusion team before now
- Email disabilityandinclusion@napier.ac.uk to tell us what support you are wanting and any questions you have. If you have had support in the past and you would like the same support on your current course, it is helpful if you can email copies of your previous support plan and any other relevant documentation. That includes confirmation of any diagnosis, such as a dyslexia assessment report. If you have previously had Disabled Students’ Allowance funding, please also send us a copy of your needs assessment report.
- We will assign you an advisor based on your support requirements, course and campus.
- Your advisor will get back in touch with you. We aim to reply to emails as fast as we can but please be patient especially in trimester 1, which is our busiest period, as we might not be able to reply to everyone as fast as we would like.
If you already have a Disability Inclusion Advisor
- For quick questions, email your Disability Inclusion Advisor direct at any time. You can check their contact details on our Who we are page.
- If you need to speak with your Advisor, you can book an appointment by visiting MyFuture. Click on Appointments at the top of the screen, then select your Advisor from the drop-down list to view their availability.
- You can choose between on-campus, phone and Teams video call appointments when you make your booking.
What happens next?
Your advisor will normally follow up after an appointment with an email summarising what you talked about and any follow-up work you agreed on. Don’t be shy if you have any further questions - the easiest thing to do can be to email your advisor and carry on the conversation that way.
Continuing to work with us through your course
- We're here to help. At any point you have a quick question or would like another appointment for a longer conversation with us, please get in touch with your Advisor or email the team at disabilityandinclusion@napier.ac.uk
- You might want to review and update your Learning Profile to ensure extra support in classes and for assessments. That's fine – just get in touch.
- You might want to ask for our support if you're putting in a request for an extension or deferral. Again, just let us know and we can normally provide a supporting statement on your behalf.
Evidencing your disability
The University does not need a formal diagnosis to support you with your learning. However, some students find having a formal diagnosis helps them better understand their pattern of abilities and needs.
Formal evidence of a disability is needed to apply for UK Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) or the Eire Fund for Students with Disabilities. If you already have evidence of your disability, please share it with your Disability Advisor so that they can suggest suitable support.
If you already have a diagnosis
If you were assessed for a Specific Learning Difficulty at school or college, you should be able to request a copy of your diagnosis report. If you have engaged with CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services), they should also be able to provide a letter of support confirming why they were working with you.
For a physical or mental health condition, you can probably ask your GP or consultant for a letter confirming your diagnosis if you do not already have something in writing.
If you are looking for a diagnosis
Your Disability Inclusion Advisor cannot provide a diagnosis. However, we work with a team of independent specialist assessors who can assess for dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia. Your Disability Inclusion Advisor will discuss with you if it would be worthwhile for you to have an educational psychology assessment.
For all other conditions, including Autism and ADHD, you may need to get evidence from other professionals, such as your own GP, psychologist, or psychiatrist. There are benefits to working through your GP. For example, students looking for an ADHD diagnosis might get access to medication and mental health support by going through their GP for a referral.
Seeking Support for ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a specific learning difficulty which can affect the way we organise ourselves, study, learn, and our mental health.
Adults with ADHD may experience mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. However, because ADHD is a specific learning difficulty, it affects the way we learn. For example, you may find it tricky to, multi-task, wait your turn/queuing, getting ideas down on paper, and starting or finishing tasks.
There are lots of things we can do to help you while you continue to study with us and it is our responsibility to make sure you are supported. For more information, please email disabilityandinclusion@napier.ac.uk.
How can I get assessed for ADHD?
To obtain an official diagnosis for ADHD, you should contact your GP. They can:
- work out if your symptoms are related to ADHD or another condition, such as a mental health condition
- help access a holistic ADHD assessment with a psychiatrist or psychologist. The assessment will look at all aspects of life, not just your studies
- help access medication that is appropriate to your needs
- refer you to Adult Mental Health services
ADHD is the only Specific Learning Difficulty which can be medicated which is why it is important you are assessed through the NHS.
The educational psychologists we work with can screen for ADHD-type symptoms, but they currently cannot provide diagnostic assessments. They are only able to consider the impact any symptoms have on you at university. An educational psychology assessment cannot help you to access medication.
What support can I get for ADHD?
The University does not need a formal diagnosis to support you with your learning while you are studying with us. We can:
- create a Learning Profile, specific to you, to inform your academic staff about the support you require
- put in place exam adjustments
- provide advice and guidance on study strategies
- provide support with reading and writing using technology
- provide you with access to an audio library (limited use)
- refer you to other agencies as needed on an individual basis
- complete screening tools for specific learning difficulties and write you a letter for you to take to your GP as a self-referral
- refer you to counselling and wellbeing services to help with mental health concerns
Please make an appointment with us to discuss your support needs and create a Learning Profile – an individualised support plan. You can make an appointment by emailing disabilityandinclusion@napier.ac.uk