A diverse service for all students

We can provide support through one-to-one counselling, meetings with a mental health adviser, and can also provide links to external agencies who can provide specialised support. We also have some support for students whose English is not their first language.

Edinburgh Napier University is dedicated to providing a wellbeing service for all students.

We will not discriminate against anyone based on their characteristics such as:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Our commitment is to provide a non-judgemental and welcoming service to all.

An example of this is our safe space commitment for LGBTQi+ Students (please read more about it by following the link below). All staff are committed to the LGBTQi+ Safe Space and have undertaken specific training around inclusivity.

Our Safe Space Commitment

We offer one-to-one counselling, meetings with a mental health adviser, and can also provide information and referrals to external specialised agencies. We are able to offer counselling in Mandarin and Swedish also.


Student Societies

There has always been a diverse student population that has had equally diverse interests and hobbies. Student Societies are created and run by students themselves with the support of ENSA. Each Society is led by a democratically elected committee, and every Society is open to all Edinburgh Napier students. Join a Society and see what's on offer.

Shakti Womans Aid & Sahelyia & Womans Aid

Offering support and advice to black/minority ethnic women, children and young people experience or fleeing domestic abuse.

Domestic Abuse Helpline: 24-hour

Opening Hours:

Mondau: 9.30am - 4pm

Tuesday 1pm - 4pm


Wednesday - Friday: 9.30am - 4pm

Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 027 1234

Shakti Women’s Aid: 0131 475 2399

