Student voice

There are a number of ways you can participate in activities and conversations which can influence the quality of learning and teaching at the University and improve the experiences of our students. 

Take a look and contact to find out more.
Image of Student Ambassador with mobile phone

Student Partnership Agreement

Edinburgh Napier University and Edinburgh Napier Students’ Association (ENSA) are committed to building a mature, positive and constructive working relationship for the benefit of students.

Fundamental to this Student Partnership Agreement (SPA) is the student voice and both partners are committed to engaging students at all levels of decision-making in matters relating to education and the overall student experience.

This SPA has been informed by student feedback and aligns with the strategic objectives of both ENSA and the University. The partnership will be enabled by USAF (University and Students’ Association Forum).

Student Partnership Agreement PDF (109kb)

Feedback on Programmes

Institution-led Review (ILR)

Taught programmes at the University are reviewed every 6 years through a process called Institution-led Review. It is an ‘enhancement-led’ approach to review, meaning it is not about finding problems or criticizing individuals, but is about continuous improvement, and celebrating and sharing good practice. The review provides an opportunity for your lecturers, and other staff across the University to hear about your experiences on the programme, including things you think work well, and to involve you in making improvements.

This approach to review is used across Scottish higher education, and meets expectations set out by the Scottish Funding Council and the requirements of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.

All students can contribute to the review of their own programme in a number of ways, such as participating in focus groups and meetings in the lead up to the review, replying to requests for feedback, and completing student surveys and questionnaires about the programme and modules.  You can also speak to your Programme Rep who can raise issues on your behalf at Student-Staff Liaison Committees, or you can become a programme rep yourself! 


Student Surveys

Student survey results are analysed and reported at all levels of the University, and are used to inform enhancements to learning and teaching. They are an essential part of the evidence-based used in the University’s quality processes, such as Institution-led Review (described above) and the annual review of all taught provision, referred to as ‘annual monitoring’.

The University participates in the following surveys:

Module Evaluation – conducted at the end of each module

Module Evaluation Survey Confidentiality Policy

Module Touchpoint surveys – conducted during the module

National Student Survey (NSS)

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)

Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)

A group of students sitting in a study space, talking together and reading notes


Programme Reps are elected by their classmates to represent their programme and year. They represent the views and opinions of fellow students about programmes, such as the learning, teaching and assessment. Reps also provide a channel for communication between the teaching staff and the students, representing students on Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs). Through this dialogue with fellow students and University staff, and with support from ENSA, Reps can achieve some real change and help to improve the student learning experience at Edinburgh Napier.

Find out more about being a Rep

Student Quality Consultant

If you care about student voice, the quality of learning and teaching at the University, and are interested in seeing how decisions are made about courses behind the scenes, this paid opportunity could be for you.  

The University recruits each year to a team of students who serve on quality panel events and are members of their School’s Quality & Curriculum Management Committee. This role l gives you the opportunity to meet and work in partnership with members of staff, and to make a valuable contribution to improving learning, teaching and the student experience at Edinburgh Napier. You'll also be contributing to a national process of ensuring the quality of Scottish University education and it can open doors to involvement in reviews for external organisations such as the Quality Assurance Agency Scotland or European Students Union.

Skills and experience you can gain:

  • Working in a professional panel environment
  • Working to deadlines
  • Assimilating and critically analysing information
  • Providing constructive feedback
  • Collective decision making

There are two types of panel event: new programme approval and Institution-led review. In both cases, a panel is brought together to consider a set of documentation and to meet with the teaching team/s (for Institution-led review the panel also meets current students). Every panel has an experienced convenor, an internal academic, a member of staff from University professional services, an academic from another institution and/or industry representative, a member of the University Quality & Standards team and a student panel member from a different subject to the programme under consideration. Panel events last 3.5-7 hours, depending on the type of event and number of programmes being considered, and you will need to set aside some time to read the documentation and prepare. 

There are usually 4 School Quality & Curriculum Management Committees each month, usually on Wednesday afternoons. If you can’t attend every meeting, don’t worry, there are other ways to engage with the work of the Committee.

To apply, please send a short expression of interest (250 words) explaining why you wish to be considered for the role, what contribution you can make, and what you hope to gain from it to the Quality & Standards Team at Please include your name and current programme of study. 

Student testimonials:

I felt that my comments and contribution have been heard and appreciated. I do see the value of taking part in the ILR as it allowed me to feel part of the both student and the University communities; moreover, it has given me a unique chance to leave a small mark impacting other generations to come. (Mary, 4th year student)

It was a very inclusive environment with everyone's comments and perspectives well respected. Finally, the outcome towards the end of the review was a really positive experience and being able to offer a valuable recommendation to the programme leaders. (Naish, 4th year student)