Your Personal Development Tutor (PDT)

Starting life at university is incredibly exciting, but at times it's easy to feel overwhelmed as you adjust to a new environment. Your Personal Development Tutor (PDT) is assigned to you during the first few weeks at Edinburgh Napier and will be your first point of contact for any academic or personal issues you may experience throughout your time at university.
A student sitting in a study space, working with a notepad

How do I find my PDT?

You can find out the name of your PDT from Moodle and eStudent Records. If this is not available, please contact your Programme Leader or School Office.

Please take a look at our Personal Development Tutor - What You Need To Know video and the information below to find out more.


Your PDT will...

  • Contact you in your first few weeks at Edinburgh Napier to introduce themselves and then meet with you throughout your time at the University
  • Help you to reflect on personal and professional development
  • Review your academic progress with you and offer constructive feedback on academic skill development
  • Listen to any non-academic concerns you may have
  • Signpost you to further sources of support for academic, welfare and wellbeing support within the university
  • Write an academic reference for you if required
  • Keep everything you say confidential, unless you give them permission to share the information or they believe you or others to be at risk
  • Keep a confidential record of your meetings
  • Aim to respond to any queries you may have within three working days. If you get an out-of-office reply, this should indicate when the PDT can respond to you and who to contact if your query is urgent

Why make contact with your PDT?

Your PDT will take an interest in your progress with your studies. You should meet with them regularly, ideally once per academic trimester. You can also contact your PDT at any other time when you would like to check your progress or need advice.

You should meet with your PDT if you are:

  • Considering changing your course or leaving the University
  • Concerned that you may have a specific learning difficulty that is affecting your studies as they can advise you on what sources of help are available within the University and refer you if required
  • Worried about your grades or exams
  • Experiencing personal problems that are affecting your studies. Your PDT will provide a sympathetic and non-judgemental ear and direct you towards other sources of support if needed
  • Needing a reference for a further course of study or a job

BUT, your PDT cannot:

  • Answer every question you may have. In some cases, your PDT may need to direct you towards more specialised support
  • Provide round-the-clock support. Your PDT should aim to respond to your queries within 3 working days and inform you of their regular office hours. In an emergency, you can consult the Academic Skills pages or Student Wellbeing and Inclusion pages on myNapier for alternative sources of support
  • Change your grades or appeal your exam results for you