Suspending your studies

Suspended study is an approved time-limited interruption to your programme of study. It is your choice to request suspended study.

Ideally, any request should be made to your programme leader directly or if you prefer a trusted member of University staff in a pastoral support role, who will then consult with your programme leader on your behalf.

A request for suspension should be facilitated and supported, with any impact this may have on your studies discussed with you in detail.


When does suspended studies officially start?

Suspension will start from the date of the consultation between you and your programme leader. A suspension will be granted for a maximum of one academic session in the first instance.

Your programme leader will need to complete the suspension of study form on SITS to notify the University of the suspension, to ensure we appropriately manage your student record while you are away from the University. This will also allow us to get back in touch towards the end of your period of suspension to see if you are able to resume your studies.

Please note the following:

  • Suspensions can only be backdated in exceptional circumstances
  • You are not allowed to engage with assessments or re-assessments during suspension
  • When returning from suspension you must recommence your studies at the start of the trimester
  • The suspension of study might have financial implications concerning your fees. See the 'Things to consider' section below for more information.

These guidelines are not applicable to you if you are a student studying for the Bachelor of Nursing or Midwifery. You should refer the specific regulation for further guidance.

These guidelines are also not applicable to research students, who should refer to section 5.3 of the Research Degrees Framework.


Before you decide

Before taking any decision to suspend your studies it is really important to make sure you are aware of any knock-on effects this decision may have for you. See the 'Things to consider' section below for more information.

If you are studying at the University and hold a Tier 4 visa please email International Support on before considering suspending your studies.


University Support

Before suspending your studies there is University Support available to help you consider your options. 

University services

Suspended students will still have access to the Counselling and Careers services.

Disability and inclusion

Students with a disability or health condition may be able to access support from the team whilst on suspended studies. The extent of help and support available will depend on the student’s individual circumstances.

Students are not entitled to access Disabled Students’ Allowance, (DSA) funding whilst on suspended studies. Prior to returning to the University after a period of suspended studies, disabled students are advised to contact their Disability Adviser if they have any queries or concerns about their support needs or if any specific support requires setting up in advance of a return to studies. Further information about suspension can be found in section 8.4 of the University's Academic General Regulations (PDF, 267kB).

ENSA Advice

The Edinburgh Napier Students' Association also runs an advice service. To contact ENSA Advice, call 0131 229 8791 or email for an appointment.


Things to consider


To discuss the impact of suspension on fees and finance please contact for further information.

In relation to payment of fees, current university policy states that Scottish/EU students funded by Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS):

  • Suspend in the first 4 weeks - no fees are due
  • Suspend after 4 weeks of course study - 25% fee due
  • Suspend after 10 weeks of course study - 50% fee due
  • Suspension after 4 weeks of second semester - 100% fee due

If you are a student from the rest of UK students please contact student fees for further information.

Students considering suspension should note that SAAS do not normally honour a second year of funding for the same level of study.

Student Funding

Suspended students are advised to contact Student Funding for advice and guidance on any money issues.

ENSA Advice

The Edinburgh Napier Students' Association runs an advice service. To contact ENSA Advice, call 0131 229 8791 or email for an appointment.

Council Tax

Students registered on SITS as Suspended Studies (SS) are normally entitled to Council Tax exemption during the suspended period. You should speak to your local authority to confirm your entitlement to an exemption.

University Accommodation

Your tenancy agreement will have information on any fees that you may be liable for while staying in university accommodation. For further information contact


As a suspended student you will continue to have access to Moodle, however you will only receive access to the occurrence of the module that you were initially enrolled onto.

Computing and Library Facilities

You will continue to have access to computer and library facilities while you are on your period of suspended study, unless you have failed to pay any relevant fees.