Abstract image of software on a screen

Accessing software

As an Edinburgh Napier student you have access to a wealth of software to help you with your studies. 

You can access the Microsoft Office 365 apps through your Office 365 account.  The majority of other software is available via AppsAnywhere both on your own device and on a University desktop such as a computer within the libraries and computer suites, or a Lapsafe laptop.  

You are also able to download some software on to your own device via the Software Download Service. 

Open AppsAnywhere Open the Software Download Service Find out how to access Adobe Creative Cloud on campus

Microsoft Office 365

The Microsoft Office 365 apps are available via your Office 365 account.  

You can download the apps on up to 5 personal devices, giving you access to the full MS Office suite of programs for free - find out how to install the Office 365 apps

You can also access your Outlook email, OneDrive account, MS Teams and more via your MS Office 365 account. 

The Microsoft Office Quick Start guides will help you get started using the software.

Find out how to log in to your Microsoft Office 365 account


AppsAnywhere enables you to access the majority of the University’s software on or off campus via a website. 

To access AppsAnywhere off campus, and on campus via Wi-Fi: 

To access AppsAnywhere on campus via a University desktop:

  • AppsAnywhere will open automatically when you log on to an Edinburgh Napier desktop or open a web browser.
  • You can also click on the AppsAnywhere icon from either the Windows Start Menu or the desktop

Once you're logged in to AppsAnywhere you can launch an app by clicking on the app name. 

To find an app: 

  • From the home page, click "View all apps" to see all the applications listed alphabetically.
  • View the apps categorised by School/subject by clicking Categories on the left menu.
  • You can create your own favourites list - add an app to your favourites by clicking on the app name and then click the heart (add as favourite) icon.

Please note: you won't be able to access all of the software via AppsAnywhere your own device, particularly Apple Macs. You will however be able to access the majority of software by connecting to the Virtual Desktop Service

Open AppsAnywhere

Download software to your own device

You can download University software to your own device for educational purposes including:

  • Endnote - Reference Management Software
  • NVivo - Qualitative Data Analysis software (only available for UK based students)
  • SPSS - Statistical Analysis Software

You log in to the Software Download Service using your Student Number and Password, once logged in you'll find installation guides.

Go to the Software Download Service
Student working at home with books and laptop

Guidance for accessing statistical packages - SPSS and NVivo

The way you access statistical packages such as SPSS and NVivo differs depending on whether you are using a University desktop or your own device. 

Please note: we recommend that you do not attempt to access SPSS nor NVivo via AppsAnywhere on a personal device.  If you are unable to access the software via the Software Download Service, for example if you have a Chromebook, then you can use the Virtual Desktop Service (VDS).


Other ways to access University software from your own device:

Connect to the Virtual Desktop Service

Use the Virtual Desktop Service to access software such as Adobe Creative Cloud via a University desktop by installing a VMWare Client on to your own device. 

Find out more about the Virtual Desktop Service.

Download MATLAB, Simulink and other MathWorks products

You can download MATLAB, Simulink and other MathWorks products - to support your course work and research.  

To download MATLAB go to:   https://www.mathworks.com/academia/tah-portal/edinburgh-napier-university-40716321.html

 Download the Installer (for users who have not already downloaded the installer):

  1. Go to the Edinburgh Napier MATLAB Portal provided by your University. Select ‘Get Started Today’ under the Download MATLAB section.
  2. Log in to your MathWorks account that is associated to your University license (you may be asked to login with your University credentials first).
  3. Click the download button for the current release (you can also download previous releases here).
  4. Choose a supported platform and download the installer.

Install and Activate:

  1. Run the installer.
  2. In the installer, select Log in with a MathWorks Account and follow the online instructions.
  3. When prompted to do so, select the Academic – Total Headcount license labelled Individual.
  4. Select the products you want to download and install.
  5. After downloading and installing your products, keep the Activate MATLAB checkbox selected and click Next.
  6. Follow the prompts to activate MATLAB.

Detailed installation instructions can be also found in the link below: How do I install MATLAB? https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/98886 

Get answers to your MATLAB and Simulink questions at MATLAB answers.

Download Autodesk

Autodesk have a free download available for Edinburgh Napier's students providing access to Autodesk software from home.  Available software includes Inventor, AutoCAD and more - a full list can be found on the Autodesk website

To install the software you need to create an account using your Edinburgh Napier University email address.  The software is for non-profit use - full terms of use can be found on the Autodesk website. 

To download the software to your personal device:

  • Visit the Autodesk website and click on the software you wish to download. 
  • If you already have an account choose Sign In, otherwise choose Create Account. 
  • Click on the relevant options from the drop down lists, click Next.
  • You will be prompted to enter your details to create an account, click Create Account. 
  • A verification email will be sent.  From the email click Verify email.
  • You'll be taken to the Account Verified screen, click Done. 
  • If you're taken to the "Just one more step" screen enter "Edinburgh Napier University" and your School / department and click Next.
  • At the Account Set screen click Continue. 
  • Choose deploy without network server, choose the version of the software and select your operating system and language.
  •  Choose Download Now and follow the on screen instructions to download the software.

Further information about Autodesk’s response to Covid-19 can be found on the Autodesk website.