Student Charter and Student Professional Standards

At Edinburgh Napier University, we want staff and students to work together to improve the quality of your learning experience. To achieve this, we all have a responsibility to each other. The Student Charter and Student Professional Standards explain this responsibility and set out the level of service you can expect while you are studying with us, as well as the behaviour we expect from you.

A group of students sitting in a study space, working together with laptops and notes

Student Charter 2024/25

Our Student Charter helps to ensure that you, our students, work together with our staff to be the best we can be, making Edinburgh Napier University a great place to study and learn. We want you to be ambitious and to actively participate in your learning, professional development, citizenship and broader student life opportunities.

We put our students at the heart of our community and everything we do. We are committed to providing the environment, experiences and facilities that help you to succeed, whatever your background and whatever your ambitions.


What makes up the Student Charter?

Our Commitments

We will employ high quality academic staff who will be knowledgeable, motivating and will stretch you to achieve your full potential. We will deliver programmes which are attractive and relevant to employers, stimulate innovation, enterprise, confidence and curiosity. We will work in partnership with you to achieve this.

We will design and conduct appropriate assessments which support your learning and development, which are fair, transparent and effective. To help you plan effectively we will publish your exam timetable six working weeks before the centrally timetabled end of trimester exams begin.

We will encourage you to engage actively with our feedback processes, which will be regular, useful, varied and timely. This will encourage autonomy and opportunities for self-reflection. We will normally provide formal feedback on assessments within three working weeks of the final submission deadline, or explain why this isn’t possible. We will listen and respond positively to your feedback on academic and non-academic issues that affect your student experience and time with us.

To ensure we create a positive learning experience for all of our students, we will actively seek to address any behaviour or practices that are deemed to be disruptive or unsafe for others, or which do not align with the University’s values and behaviours.

Your Commitments

We want you to have a professional approach aligned with our Student Professional Standards (our code of conduct for taught students), with a clear understanding of the values and behaviours we require in our university community.

To achieve your best results, we expect you to attend and check in to all scheduled events, whether on campus or delivered remotely (in the virtual learning environment). Please be mindful that on-campus events would usually be timetabled between 9am-6pm (9am to 1pm on Wednesdays). You will only check in to events that you attend.

By engaging with the training material provided, we want you to understand the importance of academic integrity, including the appropriate use of artificial intelligence, and through this avoid engaging in academic misconduct.

We want you to arrive well-prepared for participating fully in class, while seeking advice if you are having difficulties. We want you to engage positively with your academic studies, the broader curriculum, your fellow students (regardless of background and culture) and with other opportunities that support your academic, professional and personal growth.

We want you to use assessments as a tool for learning and reflection. You will need to adhere to the University’s regulations and procedures, which you can access here on My Napier.

We want you to engage positively with the feedback you receive and to routinely engage in evaluations of learning, assessment, services and your student experience.

Your Student Voice

Our Commitments

We are committed to providing opportunities for you to participate in student voice initiatives which improve the quality of learning and teaching at the University and the experiences of our students. We will promote these to you in our online platforms.

We value student representation as one of the key routes to enhancing the quality of your student experience. We are committed to working in partnership with Edinburgh Napier Students' Association (ENSA), as described in our Student Partnership Agreement, to enable student-focused and effective forums through which students' ideas and aspirations on your student experience can be explored and addressed.

We will maintain an accessible, reasonable and straightforward complaints system. We will take your concerns seriously, responding appropriately and within good time. Whenever possible, we will seek to informally resolve any difficulty at the point of origin.

Your Commitments

Shaping our community - we want you to engage positively with the democratic forums and processes provided for all students to contribute to discussions and decisions on their experiences and the support provided. We encourage you to explore My Napier to find out more about these opportunities which include our Student Ambassador and Student Consultant schemes.

We want you to consider becoming an ENSA programme representative to seek elected office at ENSA and to engage with student representatives so that they can articulate your views.

Constructive feedback - we want you to let us know in a professional manner if a problem may be developing, so that we can informally resolve any difficulty in the first instance and support you appropriately. We also want positive feedback where things are working well, so that we know to continue.

Our University Community

Our Commitments

We are committed to ensuring the university is an open, supportive and inclusive community, in which bullying, harassment, hate incidents or prejudice of any kind, will not be tolerated or permitted.

We will provide an excellent and comparable academic experience for all our students, to offer support services that are easily accessible and which recognise the diversity of needs within our student community. We will improve our services in response to constructive student feedback, to supply relevant and up-to-date information, and to adhere to the highest professional standards in all of our dealings with you.

We will provide our students in Edinburgh with access to a range of high-quality facilities. We will provide spaces and facilities to encourage extra-curricular social and sports activities with other students, promoting a sense of community and belonging. Our physical and virtual environments will be modern, appropriate and support your learning.

We will follow Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland advice regarding safe practices to protect our students and staff.

We actively welcome students from a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures and countries, promoting inclusion through flexible entry, exit and transition points. We will use technology to support individuals' needs.

We will offer you an education which looks beyond the immediate goals of a qualification and a job, and prepares you for careers and lives as both rounded citizens and independent, critical thinkers.

Your Commitments

We want you to be proud of your university, building a community where everyone feels valued and respected.

We want you to be responsible and professional, proactive in seeking help and information. It is important that you become familiar with your programme handbook, University regulations and procedures.

We expect you to uphold the highest standards of behaviour and personal responsibility, mindful of the impacts your behaviours may have on others. This includes complying rigorously with Scottish government public health advice.

We are committed to tackling gender-based violence and hate incidents in our community and wider society, and want you to engage positively with the Consent Matters and Tackling Harassment training made available to you.

We want you to engage with opportunities which help you to develop your understanding of society's economic, social and cultural needs, to demonstrate active citizenship and ethical understanding and behaviour.

We want you to respect and value differences, contributing positively to the learning of others and to recognise diversity and internationalisation as opportunities for growth.

We want you to enjoy your time at Edinburgh Napier by making the most of extra-curricular opportunities, including participation in ENSA clubs and societies, with an awareness of how such activity supports your personal development and future employability.

At Edinburgh Napier University we expect all members of the University community to help create and maintain an open, supportive and inclusive environment. The Student Professional Standards (our code of conduct for taught programmes) below provides more information on what is expected from you.

A group of students sitting in a study area, talking to each other with their notebooks and laptops

Student Professional Standards 2024/25

At Edinburgh Napier University we expect all members of the University community to help create and maintain an open, supportive and inclusive environment.  As a member of that community, you must adhere to our Student Professional Standards (our code of conduct for taught programmes).

The Student Professional Standards complements Appendix I of the Student Conduct Regulations in providing you with helpful examples of inappropriate conduct.


By registering as a student of Edinburgh Napier University on a taught programme, you are formally agreeing not to engage in the following type of behaviours, recognising that action may be taken against you if you do. These behaviours will not be tolerated in learning environments (both on campus and online), within our premises or within the wider community.

  • Using language, orally or in writing (including university or private emails, texts and postings on social media, Moodle and other websites, or in university feedback surveys), which is generally considered as having the potential to be offensive to others. This includes any offensive language of a racist, sexist or sexual nature as well any offensive language regarding any individual’s religion and beliefs.
  • Actions that impede the reasonable rights of freedom of speech.
  • Bullying, harassment and hate incidents of any form (e.g. racism or gender based violence) including via social media, text messages, email and in person.
  • Disrupting others’ learning and engagement, for example:
    • Arriving more than 10 minutes late after a scheduled event has begun.
    • Talking at inappropriate times in classrooms, study spaces and libraries
    • Talking over others who are already speaking in class
    • Excessively loud talking or shouting at inappropriate times and/or places
    • Unreasonable refusal to work in peer groups when required
  • Using your mobile devices in class for purposes unrelated to module content you are currently being taught; including disrupting learning events to take personal non-emergency calls where these disrupt other learners.
  • Being present on campus whilst under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances, where this adversely affects your behaviour.
  • Violent, aggressive and/or indecent behaviour which has the potential to cause mental or physical harm to any individual or damage to university resources.
  • Behaviour likely to cause injury or impair the health and safety of yourself and/or others. This may include leaving children unsupervised on university premises without a suitable adult.
  • Misuse or unauthorised use of university resources (premises, equipment, etc)
  • Misuse or unauthorised use and/or theft of items of university property or property of any member of the University community
  • Behaviour that does not align with government and university advice and guidance on prevailing public health measures. This includes your behaviour in public spaces and in private accommodation, as well as on our campuses and in university accommodation.

If you are in breach of the Student Professional Standards, the potential repercussions are outlined in our Student Conduct Regulations.