Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)

The Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) provides a single comprehensive, verified electronic record of your achievements at Edinburgh Napier.

You can share it with potential employers to dazzle them with all of your accomplishments.


Have you heard about HEAR?

It is an official electronic record of your accomplishments that is verified by the University.

It provides easy access to your academic achievement summary.

It captures a wider blend of knowledge and skills than the Diploma Supplement, including professional body accreditation, prizes and medals.

It is available to undergraduate students after you graduate and can be reviewed on an ongoing basis (note that the HEAR is available to eligible students who have graduated from October 2018). The HEAR is also not available to distance learning students, to students who study online programmes or students studying overseas with our partner institutions

It is available electronically beyond graduation through our external partner Gradintelligence.

It can be shared securely with others, for example with a potential employer or other higher education institution.

HEAR is available to all Undergraduate students starting from October 2018 who have graduated. 

Within the HEAR there is a section for recording a transcript of all your academic achievements, to supplement your degree classification.

There are also sections for formally capturing details of any prizes or medals that you have been awarded, and for those courses that are recognised by a professional body the accreditation is recorded.

How do I access HEAR?

Your HEAR is accessed through a secure web portal delivered by a third party provider called Gradintelligence. The Gradintelligence service allows you to share your HEAR with others such as potential employers, or other universities, or friends and family. If you are eligible for the HEAR you will receive an email to your Edinburgh Napier University email account from Gradintelligence upon graduation with full instructions about how to activate your account.

Your HEAR will become a final electronic document once your degree classification has been confirmed at the end of your final year.

Once you have graduated, you will need to update your personal details with Gradintelligence to continue to access your HEAR.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have my achievements from other institutions included on my HEAR?

A HEAR is only issued for studies and activities that you have undertaken at Edinburgh Napier University.

If you have started/completed a course at another institution and then transferred to Edinburgh Napier, you will only have the results and activities achieved whilst at Edinburgh Napier University appear on your HEAR.

Please record any other relevant achievements on your CV.


Can I print my HEAR?

It is possible for students and employers to print copies of the HEAR; however, only copies which are viewed online via the system provider GradIntelligence should be regarded as verified by Edinburgh Napier.

Can I share my HEAR with potential employers or other Universities?

Your HEAR is a digitally signed document that you can share with employers and other third parties through a token system, enabling the third party to verify your qualifications quickly and easily.

When logged into Gradintelligence you will be able to share your HEAR with whoever you choose by sending them an electronic token which enables them to view your HEAR.

When creating this token you can choose how long it is valid for and/or how many times it can be used so you are always in control of your information.


Do all students get a HEAR?

All Undergraduate full time and part time students graduating in October 2018, or enrolled in a course from October 2018 onwards are eligible for a HEAR.

Please note that postgraduate taught students, postgraduate research students and some students on short courses are not eligible for a HEAR.

The HEAR is also not available to distance learning students, to students who study online programmes or students studying overseas with our partner institutions




Do I still get a European Diploma Supplement?

The HEAR replaces the diploma supplement at Edinburgh Napier University from October 2018 onwards.

How do I activate my account and access my HEAR?

If you know your Gradintelligence username and password you can access your HEAR at www.gradintel.com.

If you no longer have access to your Edinburgh Napier University email account and you have not yet activated your Gradintelligence account to access your HEAR please contact hear@napier.ac.uk or your student office.

If you still have access to your Edinburgh Napier University email account you should have received an email from Gradintelligence to activate your Gradintelligence account, please use the link within the email to activate your account. However, if you have deleted the email or the activation link has expired then please email hear@napier.ac.uk or your student office from your Edinburgh Napier University email account for a new activation link to be sent.

If you have previously activated your Gradintelligence account but forgotten your user-id or password please contact customerservices@gradintel.com. Make sure you include your full name, Edinburgh Napier University email address and student number.

If you have activated your Gradintelligence account but can’t access your Edinburgh Napier University email, then log into your Gradintelligence account using your existing logins and update your email address in the ‘User Settings’ section. If you have any problems in doing this then please contact customerservices@gradintel.com.

Make sure you include your full name, Edinburgh Napier University email address and student number.

If you have any other problems accessing your HEAR you can email Gradintelligence at customerservices@gradintel.com and they will respond to your query, normally within eight business hours. Make sure you provide as much detail as you can about your query so they can deliver the appropriate assistance; in particular your full name, Edinburgh Napier email address, and student number.

How much does the HEAR cost?

There is no charge to use or to access your HEAR.

If I have enrolled in more than one programme of study will it all be on one HEAR?

No, a separate HEAR is issued for each programme of study.

What do I do if I forget my Gradintelligence password?

For help accessing your account, contact Gradintelligence by emailing customerservices@gradintel.com.

What happens to my HEAR when I graduate?

Edinburgh Napier University are delivering the HEAR in partnership with Gradintelligence. 

Through the HEAR online portal you can update your contact details and personal profile, and continue to access your HEAR beyond graduation.


What is the difference between a HEAR and a transcript or CV?

The HEAR differs from a transcript in that it provides a fuller picture of your academic achievements whilst at Edinburgh Napier University.

The HEAR is produced as an official record and as such it offers potential employers independent verification of academic achievements, professional body accreditation and prizes/medals.

CVs give you the opportunity to reflect on your achievements and also to add in other information that is not verified by Edinburgh Napier University, such as work experience, training courses and part-time jobs.

The HEAR is, therefore, complimentary to your CV as a complete record of your qualifications, skills and achievements in order to enhance employability prospects.


What will be in my HEAR?

The HEAR will adhere to a standard national template that has the potential to include a broader range of information than the European Diploma Supplement.

At Edinburgh Napier University the academic transcript is supplemented by details of any prizes or medals that you have been awarded, and for certain courses recognised professional body accreditation is recorded.


When will I get a HEAR?

 After completion of your studies you will be issued with your summative (finalised and complete) HEAR and confirmation of your award.


Who do I contact if I am having problems accessing my HEAR?

If you have any problems accessing your HEAR you can email Gradintelligence at customerservices@gradintel.com or complete their 'get in touch' form.

Please provide as much detail as you can about your query. Include your full name, university email address and student number, so that they can help.

Who do I contact if my HEAR is not accurate?

Please contact hear@napier.ac.uk to let us know if there is a problem.