School of Applied Sciences - Our Partner Institutions

The exchange portfolio allows you to explore which partners are available to you based on what you are studying here at Edinburgh Napier.

Some host institutions teach a wide variety of subject areas, which means students from various programmes can apply. Other host institutions offer exchanges for specific programmes, so it is important you check the partner you are looking at to make sure they teach your subject area.



Central Queensland University

  • Subject Area: Multiple Subjects - you must check on CQU's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area.

Deakin University

  • Subject Area: Multiple Subjects - you must check on Deakin's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area.

Murdoch University

  • Subject Area: Multiple Subjects - you must check on Murdoch's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area.

Queensland University of Technology

  • Subject Area: Multiple Subjects - you must check on QUT's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area.

Victoria University

  • Subject Area: Multiple Subjects - you must check on VU's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area.


Laval University

  • Language Requirements: With the expection of business modules, the majority of modules are taught in French. An intermediate level (B2) of French is required.

Toronto Metropolitan University 

  • Subject Area: Social Sciences 
  • Language Requirements: All courses are taught in English.

University of Manitoba

  • Subject Area: you must check on Manitoba's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area

New Zealand

Auckland University of Technology 

  • Subject Area: Social Sciences; Biological Sciences; Sports Sciences


Oslo Metropolitan University

  • Subject Areas: Psychology


Aarhus University

  • Subject Areas: Psychology
  • Language Requirements: Classes are taught in Danish or English but exchange students should select modules only taught in English. Level B2 in English is required.

Roskilde University

  • Subject Areas: Biological Sciences
  • Language Requirements: Classes are taught in Danish or English but exchange students should select modules only taught in English. Level B2 in English is required.


German Sports University

  • Subject Areas: Sport & Exercise Science
  • Language Requirements: The courses are designed for international exchange students and taught in English. German courses are available; level B2 in German is required.


Central Washington University

  • Subject Area: Multiple Subjects - you must check on CWU's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area.

Drexel University

  • Subject Area: Multiple Subjects - you must check on Drexel's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area.

Robert Morris University

  • Subject Area: Multiple Subjects - you must check on RMU's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area.

San Diego State University

  • Subject Area: Multiple Subjects - you must check on SDSU's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area.

San Jose State University

  • Subject Area: Multiple Subjects - you must check on SJSU's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area.

University of West Florida

  • Subject Area: Multiple Subjects - you must check on UWF's website if suitable modules exist for your subject area.

ISEP (Worldwide)

ISEP offers affordable and immersive study, intern and volunteer programs abroad in more than 50 countries. Visit the ISEP website for more information.