Exchange Information & Destinations

Edinburgh Napier University works with over 80 partner institutions around the world, teaching a variety of subjects. We have direct partnerships across Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the USA.


How does it work?

Edinburgh Napier has created a degree structure that works with our partners so that you can study abroad without adding any time on to your degree. Any grades that you achieve at your host institution will be converted into Edinburgh Napier equivalents when you return. This does mean that if you study abroad in your third year, any grades achieved whilst abroad may count towards your final degree classification. You will also need to make sure that you take enough classes/subject at your host institution to gain the required credits.

Direct Partner Exchanges are based on agreements made between us and the partner university, with each institution deciding how many students we can send to each other every year. In some cases, these agreements may be limited to specific subjects and others may be university wide.

If you want to study at an institution we don't have a direct partnership with, you can consider an exchange through ISEP (International Student Exchange Programme). ISEP offers a choice of over 200 institutions around the world, with options available for almost all degree programmes. There are often more up-front costs associated with ISEP, but this pays for all the additional support you get from ISEP including the provision of accommodation in most cases.

We work with ISEP in the same way as our direct partners, so you still need to apply via the ENU application form and you can only study at institutions we don't already have direct partnerships.

Sunset at an airport, with a plane on the runway in the background

Where can I go?

Explore which partners are available to you based on what you are studying here at Edinburgh Napier University.

Some host institutions teach a wide variety of subject areas, which means students from various programmes can apply.

Other host institutions offer exchanges for specific programmes, so it is important you check the partner you are looking at to make sure they teach your subject area.

Select your School from the list below to see which of our partners you could study abroad with.


The Business School School of Arts and Creative Industries School of Applied Sciences School of Computing, Engineering and Built Environment

School of Health & Social Care Students

Because of the structure and particular requirements of your programme, specialist advice is needed on the best timing within your programme for mobility, the duration, type of placement, and any requirements there may be in terms of supervision, assessment etc.


Your Programme Leader is therefore the best person to speak to and you should contact them by email to discuss this further. It is likely that short term opportunities of 1-4 weeks will be the most viable option for you, and your Programme Leader can advise you on this and any queries you have which are not answered by the information on your Moodle site.

Money Matters

Studying abroad can often cost more than studying here at Edinburgh Napier depending on your personal circumstances. Accommodation and other living costs can vary quite a bit between different countries and locations. Heading overseas means you may also need to get a visa and specific insurance which all add to the cost of your exchange. The decision to study abroad is a big decision and should not be taken lightly. We have included a lot of information on the costs of going abroad on exchange, which you should access and consider thoroughly before applying. While researching the costs involved in studying abroad at your preferred destinations, you may find that the total cost exceeds the total Grant amount. 

The new Turing Scheme announced by the UK Government in January 2021 will offer financial assistance to students going to overseas locations as well as throughout Europe. The UK Government has also announced that this funding will be in place until at least the academic year 2024/25. Turing funding provides a grant to those who are successful in their application for the Turing Grant Funding. However, please note that not all students will receive funding.


Get in touch

If you would like more information about our direct partners, the ISEP programme, or studying abroad in general, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Send us an email or book a 1:1 appointment.