Health and safety A-Z

On this page is an A-Z guide to our Health and Safety policies at Edinburgh Napier University. You can find out more details on the different areas by downloading the Student Safety Guide (PDF, 817 kB).

Health and Safety Policies - A-Z


See under First Aid below.

Assembly points

Computers and mobile devices

Please see guidance for safe use of computers, including mobile devices, in Appendix B of the Student Safety Guide PDF (PDF, 817 kB).

COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)

The COSHH Regulations require the University to identify all substances used or generated in the University which are hazardous to health.  These substances may be in the form of dusts, mists, gases, vapours, solids or liquids.  An assessment of health risks created by work involving these substances is then made and measures instituted to control the risk involved.

You must:

  • Take part in School safety training programmes.
  • Read container labels (telling you about health risks and precautions to take).
  • Use personal protective equipment properly and at all times when required.
  • Follow laid down safe systems of work, Codes of Practice and experimental procedures.
  • Report any hazard or defect to an academic member of staff.
  • Use COSHH control measures.
  • Co-operate with monitoring and health surveillance.
  • Label and dispose of waste chemical material according to departmental rules.

Remember container labels provide important information including the identity of the substance, possible hazards, safety precautions and emergency action in case of spills, fire or ingestion. Refer also to the Hazard Data Sheet.

Disabled Refuges

Disabled refuge areas have been provided at Craiglockhart, Merchiston and Sighthill to assist anyone who may need assistance in an emergency evacuation and cannot immediately exit the building. These have been fitted with two-way communication systems.

Full details in Student Safety Guide Appendix A (PDF, 817 kB).

See also Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) below.


One of the main potential sources of accidents, indeed fatal accidents, in the workplace is the use of electricity.  You should take great care and never interfere with any electrical apparatus or equipment.


  • Report to your tutor/lecturer any equipment, leads or plug tops that are damaged or overheating
  • Report to your tutor/lecturer any equipment that is in an unsafe condition or situation


  • Swap leads between machines as the fuse ratings may vary
  • Use power leads that are damaged or frayed
  • Use equipment if the plug is damaged
  • Use leads that are not correctly clamped at the plug or socket
  • Use a damaged socket
  • Place papers, cups or plants on equipment

Further information can be found in the Student Safety Guide PDF (PDF, 817 kB).


Tips for improving your work environment

  • Adjust your chair and Display Screen Equipment (DSE) to find the most comfortable position for your work. As a broad guide, your arms should be approximately horizontal and your eyes at the same height as the top of the DSE casing.
  • Make sure there is enough space underneath your desk to move your legs freely. Move any obstacles such as boxes or equipment.
  • Avoid excess pressure on the backs of your legs and knees. A footrest, particularly for smaller users, may be helpful.
  • Arrange your desk and screen so that bright lights are not reflected in the screen. You shouldn't be directly facing windows or bright lights. Adjust curtains and blinds to prevent unwanted light.

Further information can be found in Appendix B of the Student Safety Guide PDF (PDF, 817 kB).


First Aid

In the event of any illness or injury, contact a trained First Aider via the Security Control Room on ext 4444 (0131 455 4444), the Campus Reception or by using the SafeZone app.

Give the following information to the Controller:

  1. Location of the injured or ill person (campus and room number)
  2. Details of any injury or illness (e.g. faint, chest pain, broken bone)
  3. Number from which the call is being made and name of caller

The person making the request must remain with the patient until assistance arrives.

All injuries, no matter how trivial, and dangerous occurrences must be reported on the official accident form - this will be completed by the first aider, security or staff member.


If you discover a hazard or a potential hazard to the health and safety of yourself or others, you should immediately inform a member of staff.


Lifts are of particular importance to disabled students. So it is important that you do not:

  • Abuse lifts
  • Overcrowd lifts
  • Interfere with the doors or electrics
  • Carry hot drinks in the lift

This can endanger the safety of yourself and others, and may put the lifts out of operation for those who really need them. Generally lifts should not be used for short trips between one or two floors.

Do not use the lifts during a fire alarm.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)

All students who may need assistance in an emergency evacuation should arrange a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) through their School Disability Contact / Disability & Inclusion Team.

Policy Statement

You can view our Policy Statement on our Policy Statement page.

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

At the University you may come into contact with some form of materials - liquid, solid or gas - which can cause injury if protective clothing or equipment is not worn.

  • Always use the protective clothing and equipment that is supplied for performing your work and make sure that it is the correct type of protection for the job. If in doubt, get advice from your tutor/lecturer
  • Take good care of clothing and equipment provided for your safety, otherwise it may become a danger to yourself or others. If after use you find that clothing or equipment is contaminated, make sure that it is cleaned at once. Report any defects to your tutor/lecturer immediately
  • If you're working with hazardous chemical gases, dust or vapours, use the appropriate safety clothing and equipment and learn what action to take in an emergency
  • Only wear PPE in work area which requires it

Further information can be found in the Student Safety Guide PDF (PDF, 817 kB).


Pregnant women, new mothers and nursing mothers are particularly sensitive risk groups and need to be protected against hazards. It is essential that if you fall into these risk groups, that you inform your tutor/lecturer as soon as possible, so that any necessary precautions can be taken.