Kosovo International Summer Academy

A student working at a red laptop in a common room

It is with great pleasure to announce that the call for applications for Kosovo International Summer Academy 2024, with a special focus on “Peace building in post-conflict areas – Diplomacy, Leadership and Negotiations”, are now open!
Date/Venue: Part I: 15 - 25 July 2024, Prishtina, Kosovo
                       Part II: 5 - 15 August 2024, Prishtina, Kosovo

*Applicants can apply and attend only one of the sessions (either Part I or PART II)
Scholarships: A number of scholarships are available for most qualified applicants.

Tuition fees:The tuition fee for the Kosovo International Summer Academy is 1050 EUR. 

Program fee covers the following:
1.    Tuition – Tuition fee for the courses.
2.    Accommodation – The program fee covers accommodation during the length of the programme.
3.    Transportation between Prishtina International Airport and the hotel.
4.    Meals – All scheduled meals are included in the program fee.
5.    Coffee break – All scheduled coffee between courses are included in the program fee.
6.    Vocational trips – All scheduled special events and vocational trips are included in the program fee.

Find the link for further information, including application deadlines, here. Please find the link for applications here.