Other exchange opportunities

Interested in a short-term exchange? Find out some of the other schemes you can apply for.

Short-term Exchange Opportunities

Short-term exchange opportunities are a great option if you want to pick up a new language or explore a new topic over the summer without putting a big dent in your bank balance or if you really want to study abroad but can't leave Edinburgh during term-time.

Summer schools offer a great mix of study and social events, enabling you to learn something new as well as experience a different culture. The best part is that you can do all of this whilst spending your time with other students from all over the world.

As well as being a great opportunity and a fun way to spend your summer, having a summer school experience looks great on your CV. It will help you to expand your network, grow your international friendship group and may even help with your degree.

If you think that a summer school may be a good option for you, feel free to get in touch with your programme leader to discuss any possible academic credit you may be able to get. You can also contact the Global Mobility Team who will be able to offer support and guidance with your application if you need it.

Four students in outdoor clothing and jackets walking together in a line with their arms linked

Where can I go?

You can find your own international training opportunity in any subject area that interests you. The Global Mobility Team have put together a list with some international courses and summer schools offered by our partners and other institutions and organisations you can also register for below.

You can find opportunities to study, work or volunteer abroad for the summer on the British Council website.