Exam results and decision codes
All the information you need about the publication dates for your exam results, and what each of the decision codes means.Results publication dates for 2024/25
This information can also be viewed on eStudent Records together with your programme and module results. When your module results are published they will be accompanied by decision codes.
Exam Diet | Date |
Trimester 1 | 10 February 2025 |
Trimester 2 | 1 July 2025 |
Reassessment | 1 September 2025 |
Trimester 3 | 10 October 2025 |
Receiving feedback and marks before the official publication dates
One of our commitments in our Student Charter is that we will normally provide you with formal feedback on assessments within three working weeks of the final submission deadline, or we will explain why this isn’t possible.
Please note that any marks you receive as part of that feedback or by accessing results on your moodle page are indicative only.The result will move from an indicative to a final one only available after the Programme Assessment Board have met and ratified the marks. You will be advised of results when they become available after the Programme Assessment Board through the My Results tab on eVision.
Receiving your official marks on publication dates
Your official programme and module results can be viewed on your eStudent Records. When your module results are published they will be accompanied by decision codes.
Please note that if you are a student who has reassessment(s) to complete the option modules presented to you will be based on the presumption that you will be successful in the reassessment(s).
If in the event you are not successful in your reassessment(s) this is likely to impact on the module selection available to you and therefore the modules you have been enrolled on. At results publication please check your My Napier page for the Programme Assessment Board decision.
Understanding your results
What do the decision codes mean?
The table below explains what each code on your Record of Academic Achievement means.
Code | Description | Decision | Action you are required to take |
M | Merit | You have successfully completed all of your assessments for this module, and as the overall module mark is at least 65% and you have been awarded Merit Pass. |
This module is now complete. |
P | Pass | You have successfully completed all of your assessments for this module. | This module is now complete. |
AP | Assessment Pass | You have passed this component of assessment. | You have achieved at least the minimum mark/grade required for this component of assessment. Please ensure that you have achieved a Pass for your overall module result. If not you may be required to resit this component of assessment. Please check "Information regarding the reassessment requirements" on your Programme Board Decision letter. |
AF | Assessment Fail | You have failed this component of assessment. | You have not been successful in this component of assessment and therefore you will be required to resit this. Please check "Information regarding the reassessment requirements" on your Programme Board Decision letter. |
CP | Compensatory Pass | Due to the profile of your overall performance or extenuating circumstances, the Programme Board of Examiners has awarded you a Compensatory Pass in this module. You will be awarded the credit for the module, but the original mark or grade will stand. |
This module is now complete. You are not required to be reassessed in this module. |
RP | Repeat Module | You have not completed this module successfully and it has been agreed that you repeat the module with attendance. | If you wish to pass this module you will need to attend all lectures, tutorials and/or practical sessions associated with the module next academic year and should retake all of the assessments. |
EA | Exceptional Attempt | You have not completed this module successfully. Due to the profile of your overall performance, the Programme Board of Examiners has decided to allow you one more attempt in this module. |
Please contact your School Office to confirm when the next reassessment period will be, or discuss this with your Programme Leader or Personal Development Tutor. (Re)assessment coursework maybe included with your programme board letter and from eStudent Records. If not, or if you have any query, check with your School Office. |
EX | Extenuating Circumstances | You have not completed this module successfully but, due to specific extenuating circumstances circumstances, you will be able to take the related assessment/s as a first attempt i.e. the mark achieved will not be capped at 40%/P1 should you pass at the next diet. If the related assessment(s) was itself a second attempt, you will be permitted to be reassessed again as if for the second time. |
ER |
Emergency Regulation |
You have not yet completed this module successfully but, due to specific mitigating circumstances, you will be able to take the related assessment/s as a first attempt – ie. the mark achieved will not be capped at 40% should you pass at the next diet. If the related assessment/s was itself a second attempt, you will be permitted to be reassessed again as if for the second time. |
CV |
You have not completed this module successfully but, due the Covid 19 pandemic, you have been automatically granted extenuating circumstances and you will be able to take the related assessment/s as a first attempt i.e. the mark achieved will not be capped at 40%/P1 should you pass at the next diet. If the related assessment(s) was itself a second attempt, you will be permitted to be reassessed again as if for the second time. |
F | Reassessment | You have not completed this module successfully. Exceptionally you may have exhausted your opportunities to retake this module. | |
QF | Qualified Fail | You have not completed this module successfully as you failed one component of assessment. | |
NA | No Result Available |
You have not completed this module successfully as you have not completed at least one component of assessment. If this was the second assessment attempt you have no further reassessment opportunities in this module. |
PL | Plagiarism | This module is currently under investigation for academic misconduct. You will be notified once the investigation has concluded, and your module mark becomes available. | - |
Master's Grading Scale
Overall Grade | Scale Grade |
Distinction |
D5 |
D4 | |
D3 | |
D2 | |
D1 | |
Pass | P5 |
P4 | |
P3 | |
P2 | |
P1 | |
Fail | F1 |
F2 | |
F3 | |
F4 | |
F5 | |
F6 |