Exam guidance

Everything you need to know about sitting exams, including how online exams work, what support is available to you and what to do if you're sitting an exam from overseas.

Students should ensure to thoroughly review all the FAQ’s detailed below to be fully prepared for both the on campus and online exams.


Exam Scheduling 

At Edinburgh Napier exams are scheduled in a hybrid model involving both on campus and online exams. Each module has a specific format of exams which will be communicated to you by your module leader and will be shown on the published exam timetables.

Many students will be asked to sit an exam at the end of some of the modules they undertake. These exams take place in two-week blocks (diets) at the end of Trimesters 1 and 2 and over a one-week block in Trimester 3. There is also a two-week Reassessment (Resits) exam diet in the summer to allow students who have missed  an exam to catch up.  View dates for exam diets for the academic year.

As exams may be scheduled at any time during the exam period, it is your responsibility to be available throughout the exam diet, whether you are undertaking an online exam or attending in person on campus.

It is important to check the Personalised Exam Timetables carefully to ensure you are aware when your exam will take place.

Online exams

If you have an online exam, you will require access to a suitable device and reliable internet connection as well as a good environment to undertake your exam. If you do not have the necessary equipment, you can book space on campus via Resource Booker . Alternatively, the University has a Laptop to Loan where you can organise to borrow one from one of the self-services Lapsafe lockers.

All online exams will be available via the Exam Server.  The Exam Server will open for students to check their access to the Server the week prior to the start date of exams. Look out for further communications nearer to exams about this.

The Exam Server will be open for the designated duration of the exam. This includes 50% additional time to provide an inclusive approach to ensure that the requirements of those students who need additional exam time are already accommodated. It is also intended to allow sufficient time for all students to upload materials and as mitigation for any temporary network problems during the exam.

The time shown on the Personalised Exam Timetables is the correct full duration and already includes any additional time– no additional time is given on top of this.

This should ensure all students have sufficient time to:

  • Complete your exam answer
  • Download/upload materials required
  • Mitigate against any temporary network issues/disturbances
  • Ensure students with individual learning profiles are not disadvantaged.

Some exam papers will set an indicative word count to give you additional guidance on the length of answers that you should be aiming to submit. In all exams you should read the instructions carefully and ensure you understand what is being asked before you start to answer questions.

Please allow yourself plenty of time to deal with any technical interface issues - the extended time should be used primarily by you to manage such matters if required, so you should aim to be working on your answers for designated duration of the exam as noted on the front cover of your exam question paper. No additional time can be added, and late submissions cannot be accepted.

Support during online exams

There is a facility on the Exam Server so that you can raise questions, which academic staff can then address in as timely a manner as they can. If you have any technical issues, please contact exams@napier.ac.uk.

Exams on campus

On campus exams will be delivered in person at Sighthill Campus. For directions, please visit our Sighthill travel page. Exams on campus will be written answers in an answer script book which will be provided to you. If you have a learning profile in place for the use of a PC, you will be given access to an appropriate device.

During your exam

  • The invigilator will inform you of the start and end time of the exam
  • Once the exam has started, you may not leave the exam room until a period of 1 hour has elapsed from the start of the exam. You are not allowed to leave the room in the last 15 minutes of the exam
  • If there is reading time you will not be permitted to make notes or answer the questions in your script book(s) during this period
  • No unauthorised material may be brought into the exam room
  • Communication between candidates or any other irregular practice is not allowed
  • Sharing of any material is prohibited.

Calculators and dictionaries

In some instances, calculators and dictionaries may be allowed during the exam. You should discuss this with your examiner. Programmable calculators are only allowed in appropriate exams, provided the memory facility has been cleared and the examiner has approved the use of programmable calculators. Mobile phones/Smart Watches must not be used as calculators. Please be aware that if you forget your calculator the Exams Office will not be able to supply a replacement.

At the end of your exam

  • The invigilator will read a closing announcement to formally close the exam
  • Please ensure your student number appears on each script book and any additional materials which should be handed in
  • At the end of the exam remain in your seat until the invigilator has collected your script book(s) from you
  • Script book(s) will be anonymously marked
  • Script book(s) are the property of Edinburgh Napier University and must not be removed from the exam room.

Support during exams

Academic staff will be available at the start of the exams should there be any initial queries about the exam question paper.

External Exams

If you are a Distance Learning student, Global Online student or you have a Work Placement during the Exam Diet please contact exams@napier.ac.uk. Please note you must contact the Student Administration team within two weeks of publication of the exam timetable or we cannot guarantee we can accommodate your request.


Artificial intelligence tools

If you use an AI content generation tool as part of your academic work, you need to be very careful that you do not commit academic misconduct by submitting work that is not your own.

Please read our student guidance around artificial intelligence to understand what it means for you as a student to use these tools, particularly around the context of assessments and exams.

If you are unsure whether you are permitted to use any AI tools in your submission, contact your module leader.

Artificial intelligence tools
Two students sitting in a study space, working together with laptops and notes

Exam FAQ's

I had additional support in my exams at school. How can I arrange that for my university exams?

Any adjustments needed for your exam should be agreed and put in place with the Disability Inclusion team well ahead of the Exam Diet.

The deadline for agreeing your exam support arrangements with the Disability Inclusion team is around week 7 each trimester - specific dates can be reviewed under the Dates and Deadlines section. Any requests made after this date cannot be accommodated for the upcoming diet with no exceptions.

Quick Links and Videos

The student exams video shows how to access your exams and upload your exam answer documents (includes closed captions).

For help and support with exam submissions and grading please contact exams@napier.ac.uk

Email addresses for the submission of form DE1 and associated evidence:

What if I do not have the appropriate equipment or setting to take my exam?

If you require assistance with equipment then please arrange to for a Laptop to Loan If you have concerns about your internet access or the suitability of the space you have available to complete your exam please note you can book space on campus via Resource Booker.

When do the University exams take place?

Exams will be scheduled at the end of each Trimester with a two week Reassessment (Resits) period in the summer. You can find the dates exams will be taking place on MyNapier.

Where can I find the Exam Timetable?

Exam Timetables are usually published six weeks before each of the Trimester 1, Trimester 2 and Trimester 3 diets, and usually four weeks before the summer diet. You will find them at timetable.napier.ac.uk.

Where is my Exam Room?

When you access timetable.napier.ac.uk, the exam timetable will display in a calendar format. It will show the Module Name, time of the exam and the location. By clicking on the activity, a menu with the details is displayed on the right-hand side.

You must go to the exam location which is listed on your personalised timetable.

Where will my on-campus exam take place?

At Edinburgh Napier exams are scheduled in a hybrid model involving both on campus and online exams. Each module has a specific format of exams which will be communicated to you by your module leader and will be shown on the published exam timetables. If you have an exam on campus this will be shown on the exam timetable.  All on campus exams will commence at 9.30am or 1.30pm, please allow yourself adequate travel time to get to campus.

How are exams delivered?

Exams will either be delivered online on the  Exam Server which is separate from the regular Moodle you access for your modules, or on campus.  You will be informed by your module leader which format your exam will be delivered.

How are the exams scheduled?

Exams may be scheduled at any time during the exam period, so it is your responsibility to be available throughout the exam diets, including the Reassessment diets (Resits) just in case you have an exam to resit.

What is the duration of an exam?

The exam duration will be indicated on the front cover of each Exam Question Paper and on the published exam timetable. If you are sitting an exam online you will be given the designated time and the duration of the exam.

This includes 50% additional time plus any reading time.

Example: If the exam timetable says the exam will last 2 hours 15 minutes, that is your maximum available time. It already includes the 50% additional time added as an inclusive measures and any further reading time.

Will I have more than one exam in a day?

You will not be required to sit more than one exam on any one day. However, you may have two exams on consecutive days.

Can I check my access to the Exam Server prior to the exam?

Students are encouraged to check they have access to the correct exams on the Exam Server. Look out for emails, social media posts and the Student Newsletter which will let you know when access is available for you to check, usually one week prior to the exam dates. Email any enquiries to exams@napier.ac.uk if you have any access issues.

Where do I access the Online Exam Question Papers?

All online Exam Question Papers will be available on the day of your exam on the Exam Server.

What is the total time of my online exam?

The Exam Server will be open for the allotted exam duration as outlined on the Exam Timetable.

This includes 50% additional time.

Example: If you have a 1 hour 30 minute exam then the Exam Server will be open for 2 hours 15 minutes.

What time will my exam take place?

The start time for all online examinations is 11am (UK time). If you are sitting exam on campus the start time of your exam will either, be 9.30am or 1.30pm, please check the exam timetable.

Will my Examiner be available during my exam if I have any questions about the exam?

Academic staff will be available at the start of the exams should there be any initial queries about the exam question paper.  

If you are sitting an online exam there is a facility on the Exam Server so that you can raise questions, which academic staff can then address in as timely a manner as they can. 

If you have any technical issues, please contact exams@napier.ac.uk.

In addition, some Exam Question Papers will set an indicative word count to give you additional guidance on the length of answers that you should be aiming to submit. In all exams you should read the instructions carefully and ensure you understand what is being asked before you start to answer questions.

How does the University ensure examination integrity?

Once you submit your Exam Answer document a copy is sent to Turnitin for originality checking, but only the Examiner will be able to access the originality report. 

If you are sitting an on campus exam, your exam will be invigilated by our trained Invigilators.

It is important that all students abide by the Student Conduct Regulations in undertaking these examinations. Exam answers will also be checked through Turnitin for originality.

What if I have technical difficulties whilst completing my exam?

The duration of exams have been extended to allow for any technical difficulties you may encounter. Please email exams@napier.ac.uk if you are unable to resolve these issues immediately.

Please note you should not complete your exam on a mobile phone as they are not compatible with Turnitin. If you require assistance with equipment then please arrange to for a Laptop to Loan  If you have concerns about your internet access or the suitability of the space you have available to complete your exam please note you can book space on campus via Resource Booker.

I have submitted my Exam Answer document too soon and need to amend it?

If you have uploaded your Exam Answer document then it is in a draft status until you press the final submit button. Only if your document is in draft and you are still within the total time of the exam taking place, you can delete your submission, amend your exam answer and then resubmit your Exam Answer document. Watch the student video to find how to do this.

What should I do at the end of my exam?

You must submit your Exam Answer documents within the total time given on the Exam Timetable. Please ensure you do not leave your work in draft format and you have submitted your work, otherwise your Examiner will not be able to mark your work. Please avoid uploading your Exam Answer documents to the last minute to avoid missing the cut off time as the Exam Server will not accept late submissions.

What to do if I am unable to sit my exam?

Students should refer to Extenuating Circumstances if you are unable to sit your exam. The decision to defer could affect whether you can proceed to the next year of your studies.

Please always seek advice from your Programme Leader, Personal Development Tutor and Edinburgh Napier Student Association Advice Service ENSA Advice or contact your School Office.

How do I submit my Exam Answers?

Students should create an Exam Answer document of their own, using Microsoft Word or another word processing package. Acceptable file formats are Microsoft Word (doc, docx), PDF, OpenOffice (odt). Apple Pages are not acceptable and you should export these as a PDF before uploading to the Exam Server. One Drive is also not acceptable as this format cannot be opened and will not be accepted.

This student video shows how you can upload and submit your Exam Answer documents. Please allow yourself plenty of time to upload and submit your Exam Answer documents, as late submissions will not be accepted.


Examination Integrity

In order to ensure the integrity of the examination process, we will be undertaking some post-exam interviews with a selected number of students. If you are contacted for this reason, please be assured that the interview is not a test of you as an individual and is not something to be concerned about. The process is designed to provide us with information on how the student group as a whole engaged with the examination in the online space. It is therefore a quality assurance process, detail on which might be used by the Programme Assessment Boards when reaching their decisions on overall module results.

It is important that all students abide by the Student Conduct Regulations in undertaking these examinations. Exam answers will also be checked through Turnitin for originality.

The start time for all examinations is 11am (UK time). This should allow students studying Edinburgh-based modules but who are currently located overseas to engage in the examination at the same time as UK-based students.

For full details of our guidance on extensions, deferral of assessments, extenuating circumstances and academic appeals procedures, please visit our Academic Issues page.

Two students sitting in a study space, working together with laptops and notes

Exams undertaken overseas

The start time for all examinations is 11am (UK time). This should allow students studying Edinburgh-based modules but who are currently located overseas to engage in the examination at the same time as UK-based students.

Further questions

If you have further questions about the exam process, please email exams@napier.ac.uk